Guadeloupe author wins alternative prize in Nobel absence

Guadeloupean author Maryse Conde won an alternative award formed in protest to the Nobel Literature Prize on Friday, postponed this year over a rape scandal that came to light as part of the #MeToo movement.

Guadeloupe author wins alternative prize in Nobel absence
"Happy and proud" – Maryse Conde at the press conference that announced him as the winner of the New Academy Prize in Literature. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

The New Academy Prize in Literature was formed in protest to denounce what its founders called the “bias, arrogance and sexism” of the venerable Swedish Academy, which selects Nobel laureates.

The Swedish Academy was plunged into turmoil in 2017 over its ties to Frenchman Jean-Claude Arnault, who was jailed for two years in early October for rape.

Conde “describes the ravages of colonialism and post-colonial chaos in a language which is both precise and overwhelming,” the New Academy – founded by more than 100 Swedish writers, artists and journalists – said more than a week after the Nobel Literature Prize would have been announced. 

Swedish librarians nominated 47 authors who were later voted on by nearly 33,000 people from around the world, leaving four authors – two women and two men – on the short list.

A jury then picked Conde from the list, which also included Vietnamese-Canadian writer Kim Thuy, British author Neil Gaiman and Japan's Haruki Murakami.

Murakami withdrew his nomination last month, telling organizers he wanted to focus on work and avoid the spotlight. 

“I'm very happy and proud of this prize… Please allow me to share it with my family, my friends and above all with the people of Guadeloupe, who will be thrilled and touched seeing me receive this prize,” the 81-year-old Conde, who is often among authors tipped for the Nobel prize, said in a video message. 

Part of France, Guadeloupe is “only mentioned when there are hurricanes or earthquakes,” added the writer whose work explores racial, gender and cultural issues in a historical context.

'Punished for what happened?'

The Nobel scandal erupted in November 2017 when Arnault, who is married to a member of the Swedish Academy and has close ties to the organization, was accused of sexually assaulting several women.

Earlier this month, a Stockholm court found him guilty on one count of rape while acquitting him of another.

The revelations have sparked resignations from Academy members and left the prestigious body deeply divided over how to manage its ties with Arnault and his wife, poet Katarina Frostenson.

“It all started with accusations of sexual assault and sexual harassment, leaks, corruption… one day we heard the Swedish Academy was to cancel the Nobel prize in literature,” said Alexandra Pascalidou, one of the New Academy's founders. 

“Why was literature… why were the authors going to pay the price?… Why were they to be punished for what happened?” she told an audience in Stockholm.

The award carries prize money of up to one million kronor (around 97,000 euros, $113,000) raised from crowdfunding and donations and will be handed out at a December 9th ceremony, one day before the Nobel banquet.

Pascalidou said the new literature award would only be given this year, with the organization set to dissolve in December. 

The Swedish Academy, meanwhile, said two Nobel Literature Prize laureates would be announced next year – one for 2018 and another for 2019. 

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‘Lost’ manuscript of pro-Nazi French author published 78 years later

A book by one of France's most celebrated and controversial literary figures arrives in bookstores this week, 78 years after the manuscript disappeared

'Lost' manuscript of pro-Nazi French author published 78 years later

It is a rare thing when the story of a book’s publication is even more mysterious than the plot of the novel itself.

But that might be said of Guerre (War) by one of France’s most celebrated and controversial literary figures, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, which arrives in bookstores on Thursday, some 78 years after its manuscript disappeared.

Celine’s reputation has somehow survived the fact that he was one of France’s most eager collaborators with the Nazis.

Already a superstar thanks to his debut novel Journey to the End of the Night (1932), Celine became one of the most ardent anti-Semitic propagandists even before France’s occupation.

In June 1944, with the Allies advancing on Paris, the writer abandoned a pile of his manuscripts in his Montmartre apartment.

Celine feared rough treatment from authorities in liberated France, having spent the war carousing with the Gestapo, and giving up Jews and foreigners to the Nazi regime and publishing racist pamphlets about Jewish world conspiracies.

For decades, no one knew what happened to his papers, and he accused resistance fighters of burning them. But at some point in the 2000s, they ended up with retired journalist Jean-Pierre Thibaudat, who passed them – completely out of the blue – to Celine’s heirs last summer.

‘A miracle’
Despite the author’s history, reviews of the 150-page novel, published by Gallimard, have been unanimous in their praise.

“The end of a mystery, the discovery of a great text,” writes Le Point; a “miracle,” says Le Monde; “breathtaking,” gushes Journal du Dimanche.

Gallimard has yet to say whether the novel will be translated.

Like much of Celine’s work, Guerre is deeply autobiographical, recounting his experiences during World War I.

It opens with 20-year-old Brigadier Ferdinand finding himself miraculously alive after waking up on a Belgian battlefield, follows his treatment and hasty departure for England – all based on Celine’s real experiences.

His time across the Channel is the subject of another newly discovered novel, Londres (London), to be published this autumn.

If French reviewers seem reluctant to focus on Celine’s rampant World War II anti-Semitism, it is partly because his early writings (Guerre is thought to date from 1934) show little sign of it.

Journey to the End of the Night was a hit among progressives for its anti-war message, as well as a raw, slang-filled style that stuck two fingers up at bourgeois sensibilities.

Celine’s attitude to the Jews only revealed itself in 1937 with the publication of a pamphlet, Trifles for a Massacre, which set him on a new path of racial hatred and conspiracy-mongering.

He never back-tracked. After the war, he launched a campaign of Holocaust-denial and sought to muddy the waters around his own war-time exploits – allowing him to worm his way back into France without repercussions.

‘Divine surprise’
Many in the French literary scene seem keen to separate early and late Celine.

“These manuscripts come at the right time – they are a divine surprise – for Celine to become a writer again: the one who matters, from 1932 to 1936,” literary historian Philippe Roussin told AFP.

Other critics say the early Celine was just hiding his true feelings.

They highlight a quote that may explain the gap between his progressive novels and reactionary feelings: “Knowing what the reader wants, following fashions like a shopgirl, is the job of any writer who is very financially constrained,” Celine wrote to a friend.

Despite his descent into Nazism, he was one of the great chroniclers of the trauma of World War I and the malaise of the inter-war years.

An exhibition about the discovery of the manuscripts opens on Thursday at the Gallimard Gallery and includes the original, hand-written sheets of Guerre.

They end with a line that is typical of Celine: “I caught the war in my head. It is locked in my head.”

In the final years before his death in 1961, Celine endlessly bemoaned the loss of his manuscripts.

The exhibition has a quote from him on the wall: “They burned them, almost three manuscripts, the pest-purging vigilantes!”

This was one occasion – not the only one – where he was proved wrong.