Five ways being a parent in Italy is different from the UK

Parents moving to Italy might be in for a culture shock. Parenting blogger Kristie Prada describes some of the things that have surprised her about raising an Italian-British family.

Five ways being a parent in Italy is different from the UK
What can Italian and British parents learn from each other? Photo: Kristie Prada

As an English mother married to an Italian, discussions on which country to raise our children and how to parent arise regularly. Italy and the UK definitely have very distinct parenting styles. 

I remember at my son’s baptism him being held up to the Italian congregation like the cub in The Lion King, and a room full of people we barely knew were in rapture.

There’s no doubt Italians and Brits do things differently. So what can we learn from each other, and who’s got it right?

Photo: Kristie Prada

It takes a village

When I had my first child, friends and family in the UK popped in to see us a few weeks after the birth. They gave me space to get used to my son’s arrival. When they arrived I did everything: made drinks, snacks, washed up after they left and hosted as if there was no additional little person sat next to me the whole time.

Back in Italy my boy was swept out of my arms straight away to parade around the cooing relatives. I was told by a zia (aunt) to sit down and people pottered about bringing everyone a caffè and anything they needed.

One aunt actually offered to have my son for a month! Clearly I didn’t accept, but it shows how many of us in the UK raise children by ourselves, and in some areas (though not all) we have lost that sense of a village raising a child

Photo: Kristie Prada


Breastfeeding can be an explosive topic in the UK. Many women are asked to sit in restaurant toilets or leave if they need to breastfeed their child. In Italy it’s considered the natural way to feed a child and women do it in public without so much as a raised eyebrow.

When it comes to dining, Italian children eat the same as their parents and meals are taken together. When eating out the menu is the same for both age groups, you just request a child’s portion – although the size of it will still be plentiful!

British children unfortunately tend to eat from a children’s menu, which is often ‘something’ with chips, though there are campaigns looking to change these to healthier options.

The best thing about dining out with children in Italy is that no one minds you’re there. I love this, as especially when you’re a new parent, feeling like you can still leave the house and go for a drink or meal makes all the difference. It’s quite empowering when you’ve had no sleep for a week!

On the flip side, I remember the days when I was child-free and would like to be able to hear the person talking opposite me when I went out for dinner – so there is some balance needed.

Photo: Marco Bertorello/AFP


The traditional British idea that ‘children should be seen and not heard’ is less followed now in the UK. However, there is still a feeling that children should have maturity beyond their years and always behave impeccably. You feel this pressure the minute you enter a restaurant and other diners watch to see if you are seated near them!

Having good manners or ‘essere ben educati’ is held in high regard in both cultures. But Brits love a prolific use of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and politeness to be demonstrated through rehearsed sentences such as ‘Please may I be excused’, ‘May I have…’ or ‘Please could I…’.

Italians tend to express politeness through respect for elders and the ability to socialize with all ages appropriately. In Italy, a child is always seen as a child: while treasured and valued, they need to consult elders for decision making and permission. This extends into adulthood in a way that you don’t see in the UK and is not always positive.


Raising independent children is so ingrained in British culture I’m not sure we even realize we’re doing it. We want our children to learn everything quicker and earlier than ever, from feeding themselves to tying their own shoelaces. By the time they go to school age four, they should be able to dress themselves completely to aid teachers who can’t help them during PE lessons.

Photo: Kristie Prada

In Italy this competitiveness is not fostered in the way it is in the UK. Children are helped with tasks for as long as they need it and this is not seen as falling behind. Children go to school the September after their sixth birthday. However, state schools are far less well equipped than British schools. It’s not uncommon to have to bring in your own pens, paper and toilet roll!

La mamma and mammone

The stereotypical overprotective Italian mamma definitely exists – most noticeably, I think, when it comes to feeding and health.

Mammas show their love for their children, especially the boys, by cooking their favourite dish and fussing. There is great concern if their young adults are eating well and enough, if they are wrapped up warm or might catch a cold from some non-existent breath of air. An Italian mamma will never let you wear nothing on your feet. Even in the house you have to have your ciabatte or slippers on.

Mammone are the mother’s boys of Italy. Mothers adore their sons, as do most mums everywhere, but in Italy it’s taken to another level. Unfortunately, in the past mothers have done everything for their sons. They go from being taken care of by their mother to being taken care of by their wife. This is diminishing a bit as culturally it becomes less socially acceptable to be incapable of looking after yourself! But Italy has a long way to go yet and the mothers are just as much to blame.

Kristie and family. Photo: Kristie Prada

As you can see it’s hard to decide which country has aced parenting. We can never decide where is better for our children. The UK pre-Brexit has more opportunities for young adults, but Italy is a wonderful place for young children to grow up. For now we keep visiting both – and eating plenty of fish and chips, then tiramisu! 

Kristie Prada is the founder of website Mammaprada, where she writes about raising bilingual children and Italian culture. Originally from leafy Berkshire, she now lives in Greenwich, London, with her husband and two bambini. They spend part of the year at Lake Como with their Italian extended family.

To learn more, visit Kristie at

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Denmark’s finance minister to take ten weeks’ paternity leave

Denmark's Finance Minister, Nicolai Wammen, has announced that he will go on parental leave for ten weeks this summer, writing on Facebook that he was "looking forward to spending time with the little boy."

Denmark's finance minister to take ten weeks' paternity leave

Wammen said he would be off work between June 5th and August 13th, with Morten Bødskov, the country’s business minister standing in for him in his absence.

“On June 5th I will go on parental leave with Frederik, and I am really looking forward to spending time with the little boy,” Wammen said in the post announcing his decision, alongside a photograph of himself together with his son, who was born in November.

Denmark’s government last March brought in a new law bringing in 11 weeks’ use-it-or-lose-it parental leave for each parent in the hope of encouraging more men to take longer parental leave. Wammen is taking 9 weeks and 6 days over the summer. 

The new law means that Denmark has met the deadline for complying with an EU directive requiring member states earmark nine weeks of statutory parental leave for fathers.

This is the second time Bødskov has substituted for Wammen, with the minister standing in for him as acting Minister of Taxation between December 2020 and February 2021. 

“My parental leave with Christian was quite simply one of the best decisions in my life and I’m looking forward to having the same experience with Frederik,” Wammen wrote on Facebook in November alongside a picture of him together with his son.

Male politicians in Denmark have tended to take considerably shorter periods of parental leave than their female colleagues. 

Minister of Employment and Minister for Equality Peter Hummelgaard went on parental leave for 8 weeks and 6 days in 2021. Mattias Tesfaye took one and a half months away from his position as Denmark’s immigration minister in 2020. Troels Lund Poulsen – now acting defence minister – took three weeks away from the parliament took look after his new child in 2020. Education minister Morten Østergaard took two weeks off in 2012.