Friendship in tumultuous times? Steinmeier opens Thomas Mann House in US

At the inauguration of a memorial at Thomas Mann’s former home in California on Monday, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was present and spoke of similarities between Germany and America despite current tensions.

Friendship in tumultuous times? Steinmeier opens Thomas Mann House in US
President Steinmeier at the Thomas Mann House in LA on Monday. Photo: DPA

“The struggle for democracy, the struggle for a free and open society is what will continue to unite us, the United States and Germany,” Steinmeier said on his first trip to the States since he became German President last year.

Inaugurating the former home of the Nobel Prize laureate in Los Angeles during “these tumultuous times also marks a wonderful moment for friendship between our two countries,” the ceremonial head of state added.

SEE ALSO: President Steinmeier sees 'substantial change' in trans-Atlantic ties

The Thomas Mann House should become a place of cultural and social exchange “in times when many things divide us across the Atlantic,” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said in a statement on Tuesday.  

“The United States is our most important partner outside Europe. Only together can we tackle global problems,” Maas said, adding that “an intensive dialogue on the issues that concern us is so important.”

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With plans of turning it into a transatlantic meeting location and memorial site, the German government saved the Californian villa from demolition and acquired it in 2016 at costs of nearly €11 million. In his role as Germany’s foreign minister at the time, Steinmeier supported the idea of the building being bought by the state.

When novelist and short story writer Thomas Mann resided in the home from 1942 to 1952, it became a meeting place for famous artists and intellectuals through its residency programme.

Some of the Nobel Prize-winning author’s works include The Magic Mountain, Buddenbrooks and Joseph and his Brothers. The Lübeck native fled from Germany to Switzerland when the Nazis came to power in 1933 and moved across the pond to the US in 1938.

He went on to become a leading figure of exiled German intellectuals. “Germany is wherever I am,” he told his supporters.

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Punks take over posh German island to take on the far right

Leftist and anarchist punk rockers from across Germany are congregating on the summer vacation destination of Sylt for the third year in a row. Here's what they are protesting.

Punks take over posh German island to take on the far right

The punks are back in Sylt, having set up a now infamous protest camp on the Frisian island for the third time in three years, and this time they are speaking up against the far-right. 

Aktion Sylt, the name of an organising group behind the camp has said the action aims to make “safe retreats for fascist subsidy collectors, tax-evading Nazi heirs and backward world destroyers things of the past!”

The camp is officially registered with local authorities, and permitted to remain for up to six weeks, until September 6th.

“There will certainly be several hundred people here in the camp in the course of the action,” 24-year-old protest camp organiser and spokesman Marvin Bederke told DPA.

Why are punks protesting in Sylt?

Sylt is arguably Germany’s most prestigious summer vacation destination. 

The northern island is home to a number of tourist resorts and white sand beaches that attract surfers and sun-bathers.

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It’s become infamous as the place for rich and famous Germans to party on the beach. Indeed, Finance Minister Christian Lindner – who has an estimated net worth of €5.5 million – held his star-studded wedding to journalist Franca Lehfeldt there back in 2022. 

The Frisian island also hit the headlines that year when the €9 ticket was introduced, allowing people to travel anywhere in the country for less than ten euros per month. At the time, a now-notorious Bild article fretted that the island would be overrun by poor, left-leaning city folk. 

This triggered a series of memes that snowballed until the real-world ‘punk invasion of Sylt’ was born.

READ ALSO: What is Sylt and why is it terrified of Germany’s €9 holidaymakers?

It’s not just about cheap transport anymore

The island of Sylt made the news again earlier this year after a video of young people shouting Nazi slogans to the tune of a popular song went viral. 

The incident sparked outrage across Germany. But some responded with humour, alluding back to invasion of Sylt memes, and suggesting the punks had work to do.

Shortly after, a small group of punks was seen on Sylt with a banner reading “loud against the far right”. They preemptively promised a strong showing at this year’s protest camp.

READ ALSO: FACT CHECK – Are people punished for using Nazi slogans in Germany?

And the police are okay with this?

Camp organisers had previously registered the camp with local authorities.

The spokesman for the district of North Frisia confirmed to ZDF that they had received a registration request for a protest camp from July 22nd until the beginning of September.

punks in Sylt

Participants in the punk protest camp on Sylt sit on the “Aktion Sylt” camp meadow. Around 30 tents were set up on the meadow near the airport at the start on Monday. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Lea Albert

They added: “In principle, there are no reasons under assembly law to prohibit the protest camp…”

The anti-capitalist Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany (APPD) also promoted the protest as early as April of this year.

In a post promoting the event on Instagram, they said they “are already looking forward to the traditional storming of the paid beach… and to the repurposing of the Westerländer town hall into the largest punk pub in the north”.

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They also noted, with humour, that the municipality of Sylt’s previous attempts to brush off or quiet the protest have been unsuccessful: “Let’s see what they come up with this year. Maybe combat druids, or inflatable AFD politicians? We are excited.

“And we gladly take any Sylter High Society bullying as an opportunity to just piss them off more.”

The camp’s residents are required to sleep in tents, use chemical toilets and dispose of their litter for the duration of the protest.