Town in Valencia paints 3D Zebra crossing to slow down speeding cars

The town of Almussafes in the Valencia region, has become a pioneer in road safety after installing an innovative 3D zebra crossing to trick speeding motorists into slowing down.

Town in Valencia paints 3D Zebra crossing to slow down speeding cars
The pop-up zebra crossing creates an optical illusion. Photo: Ajuntament Almussafes

The pilot project was painted this week on Calle de Ausias March which is busy with pedestrians crossing to reach the sports centre.

It creates an optical illusion that instinctively causes motorists to brake on approach serving the same purpose as speed bumps but without restricting trucks and emergency vehicles.

“We’ve experimented with cutting-edge revolutionary technology to improve the road safety of pedestrians and vehicles, in addition to continuing to work on the prevention of traffic accidents,” explained Toni González, the mayor of Almussafes, as the crossing was unveiled on Monday.

The effectiveness of the new crossing, which is the first of its kind in Spain, will be monitored with a view to extending them across the town at other crossing hotspots outside schools and busy shopping areas.

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