The Local reaches 2000 Members – will you be next?

Today 2,000 readers of our sites in France, Germany and Sweden have become paying Members – and half that number has joined in the past month.

The Local reaches 2000 Members - will you be next?

If you're one of the 2,000, I'd like to thank you personally. 

For The Local, this is a landmark. For the past fourteen years it has been our ambition to focus wholeheartedly on serving the international communities across Europe. Now that these communities are helping to pay for The Local we are liberated like never before to do this.

What you've been telling us in your emails and through the articles you choose to read is that you want The Local to give you more help to face the practical challenges you face living abroad. But you also tell us that you want to understand more about these societies, to get under their skin. It's our mission to give you all of this.

Becoming a Member lets you get more involved: you can post comments under articles, join us at events and give us input on future articles. That's why we're calling this Membership, not subscriptions – for us, it's all about joining in. If you're a Member of one edition of The Local you get full access to all other editions. And as an added bonus, you'll see far fewer ads. 

For us, 2,000 Members is only the start. The advertising revenue that The Local still depends on is exceptionally volatile, particularly in an era in which tech giants like Google and Facebook are increasingly dominant. In the long term, we need many more of our 5 million monthly readers to become Members and help secure The Local's future.

I, my fellow founder Paul Rapacioli and dozens of talented colleagues have spent the past decade building The Local. I believe that our audience of mobile global citizens is more important to Europe than ever. If you agree with me, I hope you'll follow the lead of your 2,000 fellow readers and become a Member of The Local today.


Join The Local today from just €1.99

Paywall free


What The Local’s new design means for you

You may have noticed that The Local looks quite different today. Here’s how our new design makes it easier to get around the site.

What The Local’s new design means for you

After several years with the same design we decided last year that it was high time to give the site a makeover. For one thing we wanted it to look nicer, but most importantly the new design is aimed at making it quicker and easier for you to find what you need without hassle.

You will notice, for example, that the site has a new menu bar that will direct you to the most popular categories. The example below is taken from our France edition but you will find variations on the same menu items on all our country sites. 

You won’t be surprised to learn that we are hoping to retire the Covid-19 category as soon as possible. 

On the desktop version of the site, if you hover your mouse over a category title you will find some of the most important related topics. 

If you click on one of the main categories in the menu bar you will find links to what are currently the most popular related topics. 

On the homepage, each article’s main topic will be displayed above the headline so you can quickly click or tap your way to more articles on that subject. 

You will also find more topics at the bottom of every page that will take you to related articles. 

One significant change is the introduction of a feature that will automatically load up a new article for you once you have got to bottom of the page.

Similarly, articles (like this one) that are not affected by the paywall will show an unlocked padlock. 

If you want to search for a particular topic the search tool is prominently displayed at the top left of the desktop and mobile sites. On desktop it’s just under the dropdown menu you can use to switch editions. 

As a members of The Local you will be able to quickly access your account details and update your newsletter preferences using the buttons in the top right. 

If you are not yet a member you can cast your eyes to the top of the site to see offers that are such good value you will wonder what you’re waiting for. Now really is as good a time as any to join. 

READ ALSO: How The Local’s members are helping us get better

We have also worked hard on significantly speeding up the site, which we hope will make your visits to The Local more enjoyable. 

You are sure to notice plenty of other changes as you get familiar with the new design. But one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to producing independent journalism that leans heavily on dialogue with our readers. 

With this in mind, we would love to hear from you if you have any feedback on the new design or suggestions for improvements. You can drop us a line at [email protected] or, if you are a member, you will as always be able to let us know what you think in the comments below the article. 

Thanks for reading, and we hope you like the new look!