Map fail: Swiss airline places Liechtenstein capital in Switzerland

Switzerland may be small, but that is no excuse to steal the city of Vaduz from its tiny neighbour.

Map fail: Swiss airline places Liechtenstein capital in Switzerland
Vaduz: definitely not the capital of Switzerland. Photo: Depositphotos

The blink-and-you’ll-miss it principality of Liechtenstein may share a currency with Switzerland and have the same air of comfortable, alpine wealth, but it is most definitely its own country, with its own passports, country code and political system.

Unfortunately, the fact seems to have escaped the attention of the producers of the in-flight magazine for Switzerland's national airline Swiss, a subsidiary of Germany's Lufthansa Group.

In the current issue of SWISS, the Liechtenstein capital of Vaduz (population 5,435 as of the end of 2015, and popular with curious day trippers) is placed squarely in Swiss territory.

“I thought it was an April Fools joke and I might win something if I pointed out,” the eagle-eyed reader who spotted the error told Swiss news site 20 minutes.

In the same issue, the magazine also incorrectly listed the name of the Swiss city of Olten as Ölten.

Read also: Need the police in Liechtenstein? Call Switzerland

A spokesperson for the magazine said the two mistakes would be corrected for the May issue.

Coincidentally, the recently released Statistics on Swiss Towns report gives a run-down on urban agglomerations in Switzerland, with one of those listed being Vaduz–Buchs.

On the other side of the Rhine from Vaduz, Buchs definitely is in Switzerland.