‘Give back for old cheese’: Alicia Vikander teaches Swedish slang to the world

Ever wanted to call someone a brat in Swedish but can't quite find the word? With the help of Oscar-winner Alicia Vikander now you can, thanks to a new video teaching the world some useful slang phrases in her native tongue.

'Give back for old cheese': Alicia Vikander teaches Swedish slang to the world
Don't walk like the cat around hot porridge. Photo: Photo: Evan Agostini/AP

Other helpful lines to help you blend in with the locals include “no cow on the ice” and “ice in your stomach”. Not to mention “walk like the cat around hot porridge”, “give back for old cheese” and “pudding”. It's probably no coincidence that bad weather and stodgy food seem to go hand in hand when it comes to Swedish colloquialisms.

READ ALSO: 26 untranslatable Swedish words

Vikander is currently doing a press tour for the new Tomb Raider reboot in which she plays the main part as Lara Croft. The film has so far received mixed reviews: many critics praised her performance, but for the most seem largely unimpressed by the sub-par plot.