WATCH: Hidden cameras reveal secret lives of bear family in Sweden

A new video allows viewers to catch a rare glimpse of what bears actually do in the woods when no one's looking – thanks to hidden cameras put up by a Swedish county board.

WATCH: Hidden cameras reveal secret lives of bear family in Sweden
The bear family. Photo: Länsstyrelsen Värmland

A mother bear and her three cubs were filmed by the county administrative board in rural Värmland in west central Sweden, as part of a nationwide effort to keep track of the number of bears and other predators in order to find out how Swedish wildlife is faring.

The bear family was first caught on camera in August, the first new generation of bear cubs documented in Värmland county, which is right at the edge of bear country. It is believed they were born in February 2017.

In the new four-minute clip, which you can watch below, you get a more up-close-and-personal look at their lives, eating habits and family relations. At the 26-second mark you can see mother bear making sure she's always got an eye on her children. And one minute into the film, one of the bears gets very close to the camera.

In 2013 it was estimated that around 3,000 bears were living in Sweden, according to the Swedish Carnivore Association. Swedish bear country stretches from the western parts of central to northern Sweden.

Watch the video: