Paris rent prices: French capital ranked one of worst cities in world

Anyone who has rented a chambre de bonne in Paris knows how little space you get for your hard earned money, so it will come as no surprise that Paris is one of the worst cities in the world when it comes to value for money for renters.

Paris rent prices: French capital ranked one of worst cities in world

A study that compared how much space $1,500 in rent would get you in 30 of the world's most desirable cities saw Paris score pretty badly.

That will hardly come as a surprise to those who have rented shoe box sized “apartments” in the city.

For $1,500 a month (€1,279) you will only get a 30m² apartment in Paris. That put the City of Light in 25th place overall.

Only London, Zurich or San Francisco, Manhattan in New York and Hong Kong offered less space for your money than the French capital, according to research from apartment search site Rent Cafe.

If you're looking for more a more spacious apartment, you should head to Istanbul where $1,500 will get you 176m² – over five times space than you'd get in Paris.

A little closer to home, the best value for money in a European city was Berlin where you can find a lovely 139m² for the same budget.

Vienna and Frankfurt also offered a good deal more space than in Paris for your $1,500 at 94m² and 96m² respectively.

Rent Cafe

Renting a one bedroom apartment in the Spanish capital Madrid will get you a 88m² of floorspace; while Barcelona isn't too far behind at 71m².

However, property buyers aren't being put off by the lack of space, as one estate agency said apartment prices in the capital have shot up by 45 percent since 2009, and continue to rise.