Got allergies in Sweden? Here’s the guide for you

Allergies come in all shapes and sizes, but whatever their form, they really are a pain. Sometimes literally. Here’s how to fight them – like a Swede!

Got allergies in Sweden? Here’s the guide for you
Photo: actionsports/Depositphotos

Here in Sweden we’ve waited long enough for summer – so we’re not about to let allergies get in the way of enjoying it.

Whatever your allergy, and however you may react to it, Apotek Hjärtat – Sweden’s largest pharmacy chain – has the product for you. Here’s The Local’s guide to which products you need to kick that allergy on the nose.

Apotek Hjärtat’s online shop has helpful sections based on type of allergy and product – let’s address them one by one so you can find just what you need.

Allergy tablets

A quick pill pop is probably the quickest way to beat any allergy. Pain-free and easy (the exact opposite of allergies).

Apotek Hjärtat stocks a great range of products: Kestine’s coated tablets deal with hay fever, conjunctivitis, and urticarial; Zyrlex’s tablets deal with temporary symptoms such as itchy eyes and runny noses; Allegra’s coated tablets deal with pollen… you get the gist – anything can be fought with a tablet!

The site currently is only in Swedish, but if your Swedish isn’t up to scratch, don’t worry – just head to your closest Apotek Hjärtat branch for help in English.

Nasal sprays

Photo: focusandblur/Depositphotos

Constant sneezing, runny nose, or even a severe case of the sniffles are all surefire ways to dampen the mood at your summer party.

A quick spritz up your nostrils with a nasal spray can provide relief. Look out for sprays from brands like Nasonex, Rhinocort, Livostin and Becotide. Find those, and plenty more here.


This is a big one starting from about April in most parts of the country. With spring comes pollen. But don’t let pollen ruin your first foray into the sun after the long winter. Arm yourself with tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops so you can frolic in the beautiful Swedish sunshine with no fight from your body!

Browse the whole section of pollen allergy products here.

Contact Allergies

Have you ever reacted to cheap jewellery? Or certain skin care products? Or latex? Chances are you may have a contact allergy – and an excuse to splurge on expensive sensitive-skin jewellery and skin care products!

Contact allergies can result in cracked skin and blisters, but with the application of hydrocortisone cream, you’ll be right as rain.

Food Allergies

It’s really quite annoying when a food intolerance gets in the way of enjoying a freshly baked bread, or an exquisite cheeseboard.

While gluten intolerance cannot be treated by pharmaceutical products (gluten allergies can be incredibly serious, if you feel you are suffering from one, seek a doctor’s advice immediately), lactose intolerance can!

Did you know that Swedes drink more milk than any other nationality besides the Finns? And yet, about one in four Swedes is lactose intolerant. How do they manage?

There’s a pill for that!

A Lactrase a day will keep the flatulence and bloating at bay… but still, it’s probably best not to eat a whole wheel of brie.

Animal/dust allergies

Photo: susannp4/Pixabay

Fluffy and Fido – okay, no, in Sweden it’s probably Findus and Smulan – are family, we know. But that doesn’t mean you have to put up with red eyes every time you visit your girlfriend and her cat.

Banish those red eyes with Lomudal’s eye drops, or combat runny noses, itching and eye symptoms with Loratadine’s Actavis tablets.

Don’t let a measly little allergy get in the way of quality time with your best furry friend. Check out the range of products stocked at Apotek Hjärtat here.

Eye drops

There is nothing worse than having your enjoyment of the summer sun ruined by itchy, red, watery eyes. For instant relief, try Zaditen eye drops, or Thealoz eye drops to calm redness.

Bear in mind that everyone’s eyes are different, and a treatment that might suit one person may not suit you, so talk to your pharmacist to find out what suits you the best.

Children’s allergies

Children are delicate little beings susceptible to a whole host of horrible nasties. Be it runny noses, itchy eyes or sneezing (or a combination of all those things), Apotek Hjärtat has a range of products – like those from Lecrolyn– that are gentle enough for your mini-me, but strong enough to fight off those pesky allergens.

Check out the extensive range here

Photo: Apotek Hjärtat/Flickr

This article was produced by The Local Client Studio and sponsored by Apotek Hjärtat.

Kestine tabletter: Receptfritt läkemedel med ebastin. Vid tillfälliga allergiska besvär såsom röda, rinnande och kliande ögon samt rinnsnuva, nästäppa och nysningar. Vid svårare besvär kan dosen ökas till 2 tabletter dagligen. Från 12 år.

Zyrlex tabletter: Receptfritt läkemedel med cetirizin. Vid tillfälliga allergiska besvär. Från 6 år.

Nasonex nässpray: Receptfritt läkemedel med mometason för behandling av allergiska besvär från näsan (nästäppa, rinnsnuva, nysningar, klåda). Från 18 år. Kontakta läkare om du inte blir bättre inom 14 dagar.

Rhinocort nässpray: Receptfritt läkemedel med budesonid för behandling av rinnsnuva, nästäppa, nysningar och eller klåda i näsan orsakad av allergi mot tex pollen. Från 6 år. Kontakta läkare om du inte blir bättre inom 14 dagar.

Becotide nässpray: Receptfritt läkemedel med beklametason för behandling av allergisk snuva och nästäppa. Motverkar inflammation. Från 18 år.

Lomudal ögondroppar: Receptfritt läkemedel med natriumkromoglikat. Vid tillfälliga allergiska besvär med kliande, rinnande, röda och svullna ögon. Kan användas av barn, gravida och ammande.

Loratadin Actavis tabletter: Receptfritt läkemedel med loratadin. Mot klåda, snuva och ögonbesvär vid allergi. Från 12 år.

Lecrolyn ögondroppar: Receptfritt läkemedel med natriumkromoglikat som används vid behandling av ögonbesvär med t ex rodnad, klåda och ökat tårflöde vid pollenallergi. För vuxna och barn.

Zaditen ödondroppar: Receptfritt läkemedel med ketotifen som används vid behandling av ögonbesvär vid pollenallergi. Från 3 år.

+ För utförlig information om receptfria läkemedel se bipacksedeln på

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Who should get vaccinated against TBE in Sweden?

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) has more than doubled in Sweden in the past decade. Who should get vaccinated against it and how much does it cost?

Who should get vaccinated against TBE in Sweden?

TBE, or Tick-borne encephalitis, is one of the two main tick-borne diseases in Sweden (Lyme disease is the other one).

It is a viral brain infection, which can cause a range of symptoms, usually starting with typical flu-like symptoms and then developing to include nausea, dizziness, and in around a third of cases, severe problems.

Symptoms usually appear around a week after the bite, but can take longer. There is no cure, but it can be treated, and there is a vaccination too.

The tick season tends to last from March to November, peaking in April to mid-June. According to the Public Health Agency, most TBE cases however tend to be recorded during the summer, as that’s the period when people spend the most time outdoors.

TBE is relatively rare, but has been on a fairly steady increase in Sweden in the past decade, from 178 confirmed cases in 2014 (or an incidence rate of 1.83 per 100,000 people) to 595 cases in 2023 (incidence rate 5.64), according to the Public Health Agency’s statistics.

Who should get vaccinated?

Because the infection can in a few cases lead to serious consequences, anyone who lives in an area where there’s a high concentration of ticks carrying TBE is recommended to get vaccinated.

That includes people who live there permanently and who have temporary summer homes, as well as people who spend a lot of time outdoors in these areas, but there’s no strict cut-off point.

Not all ticks carry TBE, and they have historically been concentrated in southern parts of Sweden and the Stockholm archipelago, but have been spreading across the country in recent years.

The regions that recorded the most number of cases last year were Stockholm (160, or an incidence rate of 6.52 per 100,000 people), Västra Götaland (121, or 6.85), Södermanland (55, or 18.22), Uppsala (52, or 12.85), Västmanland (33, or 11.75) and Värmland (31, or 10.93).

The only region that didn’t record a single case of TBE in 2023 was Gotland. Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland recorded one case each, and Norrbotten two cases.

You may want to contact your regional health services for specific information. Skåne, for example, only recorded 21 cases last year (an incidence rate of 1.48), but TBE is more common in certain parts of the region than others, and the region recommends that people living in these parts get vaccinated – there’s more information to be found on the region’s TBE vaccine page.

You can of course also get vaccinated even if you don’t live in a high-risk area, especially if you spend a lot of time in the forest or tall grass.

How can I get vaccinated?

You can search for healthcare centres near you through or the website Fä (fästing is the Swedish word for tick – don’t confuse it with fästning, a fortress). To view regional information on 1177, go to the top of the page and click välj region (choose region).

The vaccine is not part of Sweden’s national vaccination programme, so you have to pay for it.

In Östergötland, the vaccine is subsidised by the region, so each dose of the initial three doses costs 200 kronor for adults. In a lot of other regions, including Stockholm, it costs around 400 kronor.

Only Sörmland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Östergötland and Jönköping offer the vaccine for free to children and teenagers, at least the basic vaccination schedule of the initial three doses.

How does the vaccine work?

You start with three doses (or four if you’re over 50), usually the first two within the space of one to three months and the third dose ahead of the next season, no more than a year after the second dose.

Each of these doses increases your level of protection, but because you need several to be fully protected, it’s recommended that you begin the vaccination programme well ahead of tick season.

You then get a fourth (or fifth if you’re over 50) top-up dose after three years, and will need top-ups every five years.

Children under the age of 15 are recommended to get the second dose one month after the first dose, then the third dose after 5-12 months. After that they follow the same schedule as adults, so a fourth dose after three years followed by top-ups every five years.

People with an impaired immune system due to underlying health issues are recommended to follow the same schedule as over-50s. They may not be able to reach a full level of defence against TBE, but the vaccine will offer enough protection that they are still recommended to get it.