Healthcare in France: a beginner’s guide

Félicitations! You’ve chosen a life in France – or perhaps life in France has chosen you. Either way, there’s plenty to learn about life in the land of baguettes, cheese and fine wine.

Healthcare in France: a beginner’s guide
Photo: gioiak2/Depositphotos
And at the top of any new expat’s list is sorting out healthcare in their adopted country. Figuring out who to call for what – especially in a foreign language – can take longer than expected.
To help get you started, we’ve put together a quick introduction guide to some of the basics to think about when trying to navigate healthcare in France.
Finding a doctor
Finding a doctor in France when you’ve first arrived can be a bit tricky – given that doctors aren’t allowed to advertise. Most do, however, list their services in the online yellow pages (Pages Jaunes). In the keyword field on the left (“Quoi, Qui”), enter “médécin” and then enter your location in the field on the right.
Of course, it’s very hard to know from the yellow pages if a doctor speaks English. So another option is to stroll into a local pharmacy and ask for recommendations (most will be staffed with someone who understands basic English). Friends, colleagues, and neighbours can also provide guidance, and some embassies also publish lists of English-speaking doctors.
Most doctors in France practice on their own, or in small groups of practitioners. It doesn’t usually take very long to book an appointment – but keep in mind that fees are normally paid upfront and many doctors don’t accept credit cards.
To participate in the French state healthcare system, residents are required to register with a general practitioner, or médecin traitant – who then becomes your first port of call for medical matters.
However, participating in a private health insurance programme like Cigna Global gives you added flexibility to choose whatever doctor you want at no extra cost.
Emergency care
It’s usually best to go straight to the nearest hospital in an emergency (look for les urgences). Most towns have a Hôpital or Centre hospitalier where emergency care is available. In larger cities, you may find a regional hospitals (centre hospitalier regional – CHR) or university hospitals (centre hospitalier universitaire – CHU).
Urgent emergency care is run centrally by a public health body known SAMU (Service d’Aide Médicale Urgente), which operates under the philosophy of giving a high-level of care at the scene of the emergency. You can call SAMU by dialing 15.
Each Département runs its own emergency care services, which range from private medical transport services to full-blown mobile intensive care units (Service Mobile d’Urgence et de Réanimation – SMUR).
If you need to call for an ambulance or on-site help, you can always use 112, the pan-European emergency number. Other options include 15 for SAMU, 17 for the police, or 18 for the fire brigade.
Operators may speak English, but there is no guarantee. SAMU is staffed with qualified doctors who are trained to determine the best response, including whether it’s serious enough to send a SMUR unit.
In a few regions of France there is also a new 24-hour GP hotline being tested.
Specialist care
In general, your French general practitioner (médecin traitant) is able to refer you to a specialist if you need particular treatment. Getting a referral allows you to be reimbursed for up to 70 percent of the associated costs according to the French health insurance scheme. Of course if you have a private health insurance plan like Cigna Global, you may be able to go straight to a specialist covered under your plan.
You don’t need a referral for visits to a paediatrician, gynaecologist, psychiatrist or ophthalmologist.
Either way, your médecin traitant will keep track of your medical records and help manage any additional treatments.
In France, both over-the- counter and non-prescription drugs are sold in shops known as pharmacie – identified by an iconic green cross. They feature highly-trained staff, many of whom may have a passable command of English. They are knowledgeable and friendly, and can be a good place to start if you have questions about different conditions and treatments.
When buying prescription medication at a pharmacy, you’ll receive a brown form known as feuille de soin that needs to be filled out by both you and the pharmacist. There is also a small sticker (a vignette) that must be peeled off the box of any medication and placed on the feuille de soin. This is then sent to your health insurance provider for reimbursement.
Generally, pharmacies are open from 9:30am to 7:00pm, Monday through Saturday, remaining close on Sundays and bank holidays (and during lunch). However, there is always a local pharmacie de garde that provides off-hours services.
Paying for it (insurance)
Generally speaking, choosing a médecin traitant is key to getting reimbursed through the French healthcare system. Doing things correctly means you can receive reimbursement of up to 70 percent of your medical expenses (compared to only up to 30 percent otherwise). While it’s possible to change doctors, there is a degree of administrative hassle involved.
Many expats find it’s less stressful to have private health insurance from an international company.
Cigna Global specializes in healthcare for foreigners abroad, ensuring you are covered at every level with maximum flexibility. After all, of all the things to worry about when moving abroad, healthcare should not be one of them. Let Cigna Global worry about your health, so you can get to know the local boulangerie instead!
This article was produced by The Local Client Studio and sponsored by Cigna Global.
For members


Kiné and ostéo: How to access physio and osteopathy in France

They’re two very different physical therapy services – and only one is covered by French state healthcare.

Kiné and ostéo: How to access physio and osteopathy in France

Kiné (physio)

You might have heard people in France talk about a kiné (pronounced roughly as kin-ay) – they’re talking about going to a kinésithérapeute (a physiotherapist, or physio) for sometimes intense sessions involving the manipulation of muscles and joints, and doing physical exercises to increase muscle strength, and improve flexibility and mobility following injury.

Rehabilitation following sports injuries is perhaps the most common reason for a visit – and some kinés specialise in this lucrative area – but any injury that can be improved through physical therapy is covered. Back problems, recovery from knee, hip or shoulder injuries or operations, and conditions including carpal tunnel syndrome, for example, may require kiné expertise.

As may a patient recovering from a long-term or debilitating illness.

What treatment is required and how many sessions – usually 30 minutes once a week – depends on each individual case. 

Kinés tend to either work in hospitals or have private clinics. Physiotherapy has been recognised as a ‘paramedical’ profession for 70 years. Sessions are reimbursed by the state at 60 percent, while the rest will usually be reimbursed by a top-up mutuelle.

READ ALSO Health insurance in France: What you need to know about a mutuelle

In theory, that means you can book your own appointments.

But the standard practice is to get a referral from your médecin traitant (GP), or doctor at a hospital if you’ve gone – for example – to A&E. Once you have a prescription for kiné sessions, you can then book an appointment at the kiné of your choice.

If you ask, your doctor might recommend a local kiné, but you can choose who you visit – this also means that you can shop around, so if you’re not happy with one kiné you can go to another who you might get on with better.

Ostéopathie (osteopath)

Definitely not the same, but complimentary is ostéopathie (osteopathy) is another form of physical therapy. Like physio treatment, it offers ‘hands-on’ treatment for a range of physical conditions.

Unlike physio, it’s a short, sharp shock-style treatment for acute conditions, rather than long-term re-education – such as when someone ‘puts their back out’ and needs a fast correction. One or two sessions are usually all that’s required.

It solves the immediate problem, but physio may be required on top of ostéo treatment to further ease the complaint and ensure it’s less likely to happen again.

Despite being considered an ‘alternative’ form of medicine, it is recognised as ‘moderately effective’ for the treatment of back and neck conditions by the Académie Nationale de la Médecine.

Crucially, it’s not usually covered by state health insurance in France because it is considered an alternative treatment. As such, your GP may suggest you go to an ostéo, but at your own expense.

You may get reimbursements from your mutuelle, but these may be limited to a maximum number of treatments per year – conditions depend on the individual policy.

As with the kiné, you book your own sessions direct with the ostéo.