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Zut alors! The French phrases you learn but don’t really need

There are French words and phrases you are taught at school or in phrase books you are convinced you need, but in reality the locals hardly ever use them or at least not in the way you thought.

Zut alors! The French phrases you learn but don't really need
Photo: nito103/Depositphotos

So you’ve arrived in France and you’re ready to test out your French. 

But zut alors (more on this phrase soon) – what you’ve learned isn’t the same language that real-life French people actually use. 

Here’s a guide to some phrases that you could leave in your text book – or indeed in the Hollywood movies – if you want to pass as a French person. 

Zut alors

Ok, we used this phrase above, but sarcastically. The only place you’ll find this exclamation is in British tabloid headlines whenever there is a mildly shocking story about France. 

The phrase, which is an old fashioned way to say “darn” or “shoot”, is pretty much confined to use by grandmas and Asterix comics. The shorter version “zut” is used more frequently – especially by parents in front of their kids.

Sacre bleu

Here’s another one you’re much more likely to see in a British newspaper than in France. But don’t bother using it unless you’re the kind of person who says “golly gosh” in English. It has had its time.

The reason the English presume all the French say this phrase can perhaps be blamed on Agatha Christie’s fictional detective Hercule Poirot, who was very fond of the phrase. And he was Belgian anyway. 

Je voudrais… “I would like” (in restaurants and bars)

If you’ve ever studied French, you’ve possibly been told that this is the only way to ever possibly order a drink or a meal in a cafe, bar, or restaurant. 

Je voudrais un café“, easy, right? The thing is, while the French sometimes order things like this, there are actually other ways of ordering something that are far more common. 

We stress: there’s nothing incorrect about saying “je voudrais“… but you risk standing out like a tourist, especially if your French accent is in the developmental stage. 

Try “je vais prendre“, “je prendrai“, or “je prends“. If you want to be really formal, try “Est-ce que je pourrais avoir“. 

READ ALSO What does the way you order coffee in French say about you?

Comme ci, comme ça

Literally meaning “Like this, like that”, this phrase is the text book way to respond to many questions if you want to say the equivalent of “so so” in English.

However, the phrase is used in French as seldom as “so so” is used by native English speakers. 

“French people in general don’t use it all that much… It’s true that it’s VERY present in the books,” says self-confessed “comme si, comme ça” user Camille Chevalier-Karfis, a French language expert and founder of the site

If you want to describe something as “so so”, there are alternatives: “pas top“, “sympa sans plus“, or just try a Gallic shrug. 

‘Va te faire cuire un oeuf’… and other outdated expressions

Benjamin Rey, who runs the Ilini website for language learning, warns that French slang can die quickly. 

“If I say ‘va te faire cuire un oeuf‘ (meaning ‘go away’, or literally, ‘go and cook an egg’), it will definitely sound dated. And also funny, which may be your intention. But be careful if humour isn’t your intention,” he says. 

“Nowadays you should say ‘laisse-moi tranquille‘ or more harshly ‘fous-moi la paix‘,” he says.

The same can be said for other French expressions you come across. Probably better just to use the ones you hear the locals using.

‘Puis-je’… and other extreme formalities 

You’re going to come across as being overly formal if you’re not careful, says Rey. Once again, there’s nothing wrong with being formal at the right time – but that’s not all the time. 

“A friend told me that she asked her teacher how to say ‘I’d be grateful if you could…’. Her answer was ‘Je vous saurais gré de bien vouloir…’. This is correct, but very formal (as it would be in English).

“You should simply say ‘Est-ce que tu pourrais…’/’Pourriez-vous‘ or ‘J’aimerais que tu/vous…’ (which is more direct).”

French language expert Camille Chevalier-Karfis, founder of, says extreme formality is one of the biggest problems for her students.

“I personally never use ‘puis-je‘ – only ‘est-ce que je pourrais‘, for example,” she says. 

It’s also crucial not to talk like you would write, she says, as written French and spoken French can be quite different.

“Répétez s’il vous plaît” – Please repeat that

While some phrase books might tell you to use this phrase when you don’t understand something, do it with caution. 

“The basic ‘répétez s’il vous plaît‘ should be avoided unless you didn’t hear well the first time around,” says French language expert Camille Chevalier-Karfis.

“When you say ‘repeat please’, the person will just repeat exactly the same thing.”

“Furthermore, ‘répétez‘ is an order, it’s a bit harsh for everyday situations. Say something like ‘désolé, je n’ai pas bien compris‘ (‘Sorry, I didn’t quite get it’) which will encourage the person to rephrase their sentence.”

Mais non!

It’s easy to use “Mais non !” incorrectly, says Chevalier-Karfis.

“We do use it in French, but not at the end of each sentence… Actually it’s quite a strong negation, usually showing an emotion such as surprise, shock or total disagreement.”

“Same goes with ‘mais oui‘ which is like ‘why, yes, of course’ giving the impression that what was said was super obvious.”

Je m’appelle …
It’s one of the first things you learn at school, “Bonjour, je m’appelle …” for “my name is”. 
You may indeed ask “comment tu t’appelles ?” for “what’s your name?”, and the correct way to answer is to say “Je m’appelle”…
Of course there’s nothing wrong with sticking to what you know but it’s uncommon in everyday life to use the verb appeller to introduce yourself.
Instead you are more likely to just simply say your name in response.

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi …

Hopefully, no one actually believes that French people go round bars using words made world famous by Christina Aguilera, which translate to “do you want to sleep with me?”  

But what people may not realise is that it’s actually a weirdly formal way of saying it, and more like written French – so certainly not the smoothest way to charm a French person.

You’d hope too that by the time you were asking someone to go home with you, you’d have moved on to the informal “tu” form of “you” (instead of vous).

This phrase is unfortunately reserved mostly for tourists trying to impress the French. And guess what, the French have heard it before and aren’t typically impressed (so we hear). 


If you’ve ever used this to get the attention of a waiter in France, we’re sorry to tell you but your food may not have arrived at your table entirely uncontaminated.

As any Pulp Fiction fan knows, garçon means boy – or at least literally.

Using the word garçon to refer to a waiter comes from the phrase “garçon de café“, which refers to career waiters – but these days that’s very rarely used and it comes across as pretty patronising to address a fully grown man as ‘boy’

Excusez-moi” or a gesture works just fine to get their attention, and if you need to address your waiter directly you can call him Monsieur.


You might find it strange that such a common word like mademoiselle is a contentious issue in France. But it truly is.

The distinction traditionally marks out whether a woman is married or not, which is pretty sexist because the same distinction isn’t applied to men. 

The word has been banned from French administrative forms and feminist groups want it phased out altogether. 

It’s usually OK if you’re talking to a very young woman (late teens or early 20s) but for anyone older than that it’s safer to stick with Madame.

Is it time for the French to finally ditch the word mademoiselle?

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Revealed: The ‘new’ French words in 2024

The French dictionary Larousse has unveiled its latest list of the 'new' words that will be included in the next edition - from flat-earthers to zero waste, via fast-fashion and Beyoncé.

Revealed: The 'new' French words in 2024

As language constantly evolves so do dictionaries and compilers around the world regularly evaluate and judge the newest additions to the langue – with those judged to be durable words or phrases included in the latest edition of a dictionary.

The compilers of France’s Larousse dictionary have revealed that 150 new words will be added to the latest edition, which is due to be published on May 22nd.

As you would expect there are several tech terms, but other new words include those related to conspiracy theories or wacky beliefs, while there is also a flurry of environmental terms.

Some celebrities have also been given the ultimate accolade of being included in the dictionary.

Here’s a look at some of the French language’s new additions – most of these have been in use for several years or longer, but words only get added once they are widely understood and used, and are judged to be durable additions to the language.


Some of the words denote new ideas or concepts, or new words to speak about existing concepts, and several of these relate to ‘culture war’ type discourses, to which France is not immune.

Masculinisme – masculinism or the believe that men are suffering due to the emancipation of women.

Platisme – flat-earth belief or the belief that the planet earth is a flat disc, rather than a sphere. From the French plat (flat) – a person who believes in this theory is une platiste. If you want to talk more generally about someone who believes in conspiracy theories you can use the French word complotiste (from complot = plot).

Afrodescendants – a person of African descent. In this context, the word usually means of relatively recent descent – ie within a few generations – since if you go back far enough in the history of time, archaeologists are pretty sure that the first human settlements were in Africa. It’s interesting that the word is a new addition to the French dictionary since similar concepts have long existed in other languages, but this may be to do with the official ‘colour blind’ policy of the French state which has no official recognition of dual identities such as African-American. 

Empouvoirement – this is a direct translation of the English word ’empowering’ – French does have its own words to suggest a group or individual gaining more power, including autonomisation or émancipation


As environmental issues race up the political agenda and fears about the climate crisis become more important to everyday life, a number of words relating to environment, climate or climate-related actions have been added to the dictionary.

Mégabassine – if you’ve been to the south-west France département of Deux-Sevrès recently you will almost certainly have seen signs and banners about mégabassines. These are huge underground water storage projects – the mégabassine project in Saint-Soline became particularly controversial with several violent clashes between police and protesters but mégabassine projects have been planned or completed in several areas of France.

The signs “mégabassines non merci” are a common sight and refer not just specifically to the Saint-Soline project but a wider anxiety about who will control the precious resource that is water as the earth heats up and droughts become more common. You will sometimes also see simply ‘bassines’ used in the same context.

Agrotoxique – potentially toxic chemicals used in agriculture. Although this might seem like a niche word really only of use to people who work within the agriculture sector, it too has entered the mainstream as debates rage about balancing the needs of the planet with the needs of agriculture – and whether consumers are prepared to pay more for food that is grown without chemicals.

Ecogeste – a gesture or action taken for environmental reasons eg; going vegan, swapping your car for a bike or turning down your radiators – actions that the government wants to encourage more individuals to take.

Although the English word ‘gesture’ carries a slight sense of something that is performative or not truly effective, the French geste simply means an action. For example during the Covid pandemic les gestes barrières was the umbrella term for actions such as hand-washing, mask-wearing and social distancing.

Zéro déchet – zero waste. Most commonly used for households or even entire municipalities who have managed to re-use or recycle all of their waste and therefore send nothing to landfill.

Polluant éternel – forever chemicals, ie chemicals or plastics that will never disappear or biodegrade from the earth, air or watercourses.

English words

Although the ‘guardians’ of the French language the Academie française are not keen at all on English words, the Larousse compilers are working based on the words that people actually use in daily life – and as such as few English phrases have snuck in.

Fast-fashion – clothing that is cheap, intended to be worn just a few times and then replaced. These garments are often made in Asia in countries that have poor records on workers’ rights. The French parliament is bringing in measures to limit ‘fast fashion’ for environmental reasons. If you want to use a French term for ‘fast fashion’ you could say ‘la mode ultra rapide’.

Skatepark – skateboarding in French is ‘faire du skateboard‘ so it’s perhaps not very surprising that the English word for the sports venue is now in the dictionary.


Larousse also includes around 40 celebrities – people whom it has judged have an enduring, high-profile fame in France.

And if you have ever wondered about how famous you will need to be make it into the French dictionary, here are some of this year’s new entries; American singer Beyoncé, Australian actress Cate Blanchett, Canadian singer Mylène Farmer, Belgian actress Virginie Efira and Iranian Nobel prize-winner Narges Mohammadi – plus of course some French celebs including actor Omar Sy, footballer Antoine Grizemann and rugby player Antoine Dupont.