Names confirmed for Schönbrunn baby panda twins

Of the 2,000 names submitted to a poll that opened on October 18th, it was announced on Thursday that the male counterpart of Schönbrunn Zoo's newest pair of twin baby pandas will be named Fu Ban.

Names confirmed for Schönbrunn baby panda twins
Photo: Schönbrunn Tiergarten/Daniel Zupanc
Appropriate to the fact that he is a twin, the name means “lucky half”. The zoo stated that over 12,000 particpants voted for the male panda's name over a two week period. Fu Ban took the majority with 48.3% of the votes. The two other top options were Fu Lin, or “lucky chimera” and Fu Xiong, or “lucky bear”. 
In keeping with Schoennbrunn Zoo tradition, the search for a name required that it begin with Fu, or “lucky”, which has provided the basis for the zoo's other baby pandas, Fu Long, Fu Hu and Fu Bao. 
The zoo was responsible for choosing the female's name, Fu Feng. According to zoo director, Dagmar Schratter, “Feng means Phoenix and, together with the Dragon (Long), represents the celestial couple in Chinese mythology. Since we named our first male baby panda Fu Long, we have kept the name Fu Feng for a baby female panda in the back of our minds.”
An official naming ceremony for Fu Ban and Fu Feng will be held on November 23rd. However, it's not certain whether they will be ready for the public at that time. The babies are currently nestled in a hollowed tree trunk under the nurturing care of their mother, Yang Yang. The decision to move out into their larger habitat will depend on the mother and her cubs. The zoo has predicted that they will be ready to do so near the end of the year.