Far-right tries to lure voters with own-brand gummy bears

Germany's far-right party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), have come up with an unusual marketing strategy on their website.

Perhaps they see it as an antidote to their leadership’s sour-faced television appearances.

Perhaps it’s a deliberate jab in the eye to the hated liberal establishment at a time when sugar is being talked about in the media in the same terms as tobacco.

Then again, after their struggles to finance elections – which could land party leader Frauke Petry in court – and their inability to sell gold as they once did to raise money, maybe the AfD see its as a purely commercial venture.

Whatever the reason, the populist party have started selling their own gummy bears on their website.


Offered under the tagline “discover the sweet side of the AfD” – the sale of miniature honey guzzlers is an apparent admission that not much else about the anti-Islam party leaves a particularly good taste in the mouth.

The little sweets are sealed in attractive blue AfD packaging, so it's impossible to tell whether the populist party have taken confectionery advice from their friends in Pegida and decided to forgo a novel liquorice variety.

But anyone tempted by the allure of the right-wing gummy bear, be warned. This is an all-or-nothing deal.

The bears only come in packs of 500, costing €60 a pop.

So, rather like voting for a far right party at elections, you’d better be damned sure you’re still going to like them five years down the line.

SEE ALSO: Pegida enraged by black children on chocolate bars