Prostitute calls police after client’s dog joins in sex act

A prostitute in Cannes was forced to call in the police to deal with a client whose dog began taking part in a sex act.

Prostitute calls police after client's dog joins in sex act
A (different) English setter. Photo: philhearing/Flickr

The man, a 45-year-old mechanic, had initially offered the woman €20 just to sit and watch him masturbate – an offer which the woman turned down, according to Nice Matin.

Undeterred, the client returned two days later hoping to convince the woman with a better offer along the line of a threesome – with his pet dog.

What happened next isn't quite clear, but according to the prostitute, the dog, an English setter, “had begun to assist his master in the satisfaction of his passions”, Nice Matin wrote.

Clearly not happy with the turn of events the prostitute called police to intervene and she lodged a complaint against him for exhibitionism.

The man was immediately taken into custody, without his dog.

Having been released on Tuesday, the man will have to face a court in June for “repeated exhibitionism in a state of drunkenness”.

He admitted visiting the prostitute and making the first request, but denied returning with his dog.

He had reportedly been charged with similar offences two years earlier.

Cannes police declined to comment on the incident when contacted by The Local and we have been unable to get hold of the dog.

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