French school boots out ‘intolerable’ toddler

A three-year-old has been expelled from a pre-school in southern France after his teachers said his disruptive behaviour made him "intolerable".

French school boots out 'intolerable' toddler
Photo: wwworks/Flickr
Could this be the naughtiest toddler in France?
The child only made it four months into the term at the Jean Moulin nursery in Limoux, his mother told La Depeche newspaper, when she was told he would have to find another school.
Teachers claim the boy pushed them to the edge by “intentionally disobeying rules” even though he knew full well what he was doing. 
After having to isolate the boy numerous times for his “disruptive behaviour”, teachers decided to call in his 20-year-old mother. 
The woman, who is five months pregnant, was faced with teachers, members of the school inspectorate, and heads of the local municipality.
“It was like I was in court… I knew that we had done nothing wrong, but I was still afraid. I got the impression that the punishment had already been decided,” she told the paper. 
The woman received a letter soon after the meeting telling her that her son would need to be schooled elsewhere, 
“The boy constantly yells, throws himself on the ground, throw things when he doesn't get his way, doesn't take part in any group activities, and requires non-stop attention for his safety and that of others,” the teaching heads reasoned. 
The woman has since enrolled her son in a nearby school where she too was taught as a child. She told the paper the ordeal was so gruelling that she had ended up in hospital.