9 easy steps for applying to Stockholm University

Dreaming of studying in Stockholm? Check out our handy guide on applying for admission to Stockholm University. But don't delay -- the deadline is fast approaching.

9 easy steps for applying to Stockholm University
Stockholm University's Aula Magna. File photo: Orasis/Stockholm University

Stockholm was recently ranked the best student city in the Nordics – and the reasons for studying in Sweden's capital are as diverse as they are convincing.

Applications to international courses and programmes at Sweden's largest institute of higher education – Stockholm University – are on the rise. And now application deadlines are rolling around again. January 15th is the deadline for applications from students outside of the EU.

So how do you join the party? What should you think about when applying to university in the capital of Scandinavia? Here's your guide in nine simple steps.

1. Choose your own adventure

The options are countless. Well, almost. Stockholm University is home to more than 70 different master's programmes taught in English as well as plenty of free-standing courses, so there really is something for everyone.

Language typology and linguistic diversity, Atmospheric Sciences, Population Health, Fashion Studies, Geomatics, Open E-Government, Urban and Regional Planning – the choice is yours!

2. Make a list and check it twice

Once you've chosen your programme, make sure you fulfil both the general requirements for studying, and any special requirements for the programme or course you are interested in.

To apply to a master's programme the general requirement is that you should have a bachelor's degree and fulfil the English proficiency requirement.

Some programmes may require a bachelor's degree within a certain field, or a certain type of thesis or degree project completed. You may also have to send in copies of papers, grades, or degrees. The best thing you can do is start off by checking the website – write down everything you need to send in.

3. Prove your English

Make sure you have your English proficiency documentation ready. Since the courses are held in English, you will need proof of your linguistic capability to get in.

You can demonstrate that you meet the English language requirement through certain upper secondary (high school) studies, certain university studies, or an internationally approved English test.

Approved English test; an IELTS score (Academic) of 6.5 or more (with no section scoring below 5.5), a TOEFL score of 575 or more (internet-based 90), or a Cambridge/Oxford Certificate on the Advanced or Proficiency level. . 

4. Get online

The application process in high-tech Sweden is streamlined – meaning it's basically all online. Your one-stop shop for university admissions in Sweden is, conveniently, All international students, regardless of nationality, should apply on the website.

You can create an account using your email address, though if you have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) you should use that.

Once you're signed up you can use the search tool to find your programme, click ”add” and then “to application”, arrange your courses in order of priority (if you're interested in more than one), send it in, and start uploading your documents to the server.

5. Make it official

Before sending or scanning in all your documents, make sure that they're certified if they need to be. Certain documents must be signed, stamped, or verified in a specific way, so check out the rules here and make sure you follow them.

Some documents from universities abroad may need to be officially signed and send straight to Sweden – without you ever seeing it – and the process may take a few weeks, so get started right away.

6. Pay the toll

If you're from outside the European Union, that is (a Swedish residence permit for reasons other than studies also exempts you from fees) in Sweden.

You have to pay the application fee before your documents are processed, so you'll want to do that right away. Once again, this is Sweden – so of course you can just do it online. Easy-peasy.

7. Be punctual

The Swedes love timeliness. This entire process should be completed by January 15th – so don't procrastinate.

If there are any documents missing from your application you will still be able to supplement them after that date, but your application must be received by then. And the deadline for when documents and test results must arrive is February 1st.

8. Accept

You got in? Congratulations! But the work isn't quite over yet.

You have to confirm your acceptance, or your place will go to someone on the waiting list. Like everything else, this is done on – just log in and accept your place.

Did you end up on a waiting list? First log in and say 'yes' to keep your place on the list. Then take a deep breath and chill – your status may change to “accepted” — the university is just waiting for replies from the first batch who were offered spots in the course. 

9. Get super excited about studying in Stockholm

You just got into one of the top 100 universities in the world – with one-of-a-kind programmes, incredible nature and cultural life, an impeccable reputation, and a lively and diverse student body. Pop the champagne – welcome to Sweden's largest university with thousands of international students from all around the world. Skål!

This article was produced by The Local and sponsored by Stockholm University.


Hassle-free tax preparation for Americans in Germany

If you dread filing your US expat taxes each year, you are not alone. But Greenback Expat Tax Services can prepare your taxes efficiently, accurately and at a fair and honest price with no hassle guaranteed.

Hassle-free tax preparation for Americans in Germany

Company name: Greenback Expat Tax Services

Name of Interviewee: David McKeegan, owner

What inspired you to start the company?
My wife and I are expats ourselves, and spent many frustrating years abroad trying to prepare our own taxes. Our US accountants weren’t experienced in expat taxes, the big four accounting firms were too expensive and using tax software wasn’t an option. So we decided to create the kind of company we were searching for.

What was most important to you when creating the company?
We wanted the most experienced expat CPAs and IRS Enrolled Agents so our clients would get the very best tax preparation and save the most money possible. And we were committed to flat-free pricing—what we quote is what you pay. Nothing is more frustrating than surprise fees at the end!

What was your greatest challenge?
At first, customers were really nervous about the idea of not sitting down face to face with their accountant to do their taxes. When we first started out in 2009, people weren't as comfortable with communicating virtually. But over time this challenge has become a strength; working with clients virtually means we keep our costs down (and pass those cost savings onto the client) as well as hiring the best accountants from all over the US. Now our clients are really comfortable with (and happy) to talk with their accountants via email, Skype, and phone.

What is the nicest thing a customer has said about your company?
We get a lot of wonderful compliments from our clients, but I particularly liked this review because it highlights the high level of customer service we strive to provide:  “Greenback Expat Tax Services has provided a fantastic service. From my initial contact to submitting my taxes, my accountant made the whole process painless. Best of all, this was done at an incredibly reasonable price. I am now a Greenback client for life and will happily refer any other expats to their service. Thank you Greenback!“– Tara V.

Who do you help?
We help Americans living in Germany and around the world. From employees and contractors to retirees and property investors – we help them all.

Is the process complicated?
No! It’s simple. You work one-on-one with your accountant, uploading necessary documents through our secure online portal and communicate via email, phone or Skype—it’s all very convenient for the client.

How long does it take to get a return prepared?
Returns are completed within one week of Greenback receiving all the tax documents.

What if someone is behind on their tax filings?
We can definitely help. Our accountants are highly experienced in helping Americans who get caught up on their US tax obligations. We can file back taxes, as well as help prepare the necessary returns and forms if the client chooses to enter one of the IRS amnesty programs for delinquent filers.

If I contact your company, will your staff be able to speak with me in English?
Yes. You can call our US Toll Free number at 1-888-362-5032 from 9am to 5pm EST. If you leave us a message during our off-hours we will respond to you within one business day.