Italy’s best-kept secrets: Ten must-see places

It was unsurprising to see Rome’s much-visited Colosseum and Venice’s St Mark’s Square feature in the Lonely Planet’s ‘Ultimate travel list’, published earlier this week. But what about Italy’s more obscure gems?

Italy's best-kept secrets: Ten must-see places
Budelli, one of the Maddalena group of islands off Sardinia. Photo: Chrisoph Sammer

The Colosseum ranked number seven out of 500 of the world’s most unforgettable sights in the Lonely Planet list, falling between America’s Grand Canyon and Uguazú Falls, on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

“There’s nothing like a feisty Roman monument to rev up your inner historian, and the Colosseum performs brilliantly,” the publication said.

Venice’s St Mark’s Square came in at 27.

But these are already world-famous icons of Italy, and obvious places to visit.

So what about the places that never make coveted travel lists?

The Local came up with 10 that you might want to see before the tourist hordes descend.

Italy's best-kept secrets: 10 must-see-places

If you can recommend any more, please let us know in the comments section below.

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