April 14: Colombia – ending the Forever War? Seminar (Stockholm)

The Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla are currently negotiating a peace agreement in order to finally resolve one of the most protracted armed conflicts in the world. While the two parties have preliminarily agreed on a series of important topics like rural development, drug-trafficking and political participation, the Colombian population is still sceptical about the prospects for peace in their country.

What are the key issues that still need to be resolved in the negotiation process? Is Colombia ready for a peace settlement and all the compromises that it would require? To what extent has a gender perspective been adopted in the negotiations and will a signed peace agreement provide an opportunity to strengthen equality in Colombia? What will happen to the thousands of combatants once they demobilize? And will a peace accord lead to less violence or rather to a transformation of violence? Stefan Åström, Michael Jonsson and Camilla Riesenfeld will try to provide answers to these and other questions.

When: April 14, 18:00 – 20:00

Where: The library of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Stockholm University, house B, level 5.