Sweden bumps Greens to second place in EU vote

UPDATED: The Green Party has overtaken the Moderates to become Sweden's second largest party in the EU election. Newcomers Feminist Initiative and Sweden Democrats have taken their first ever European parliament seats.

Sweden bumps Greens to second place in EU vote
The Greens celebrate being the biggest party in Gothenburg EU vote. Photo: Miljöpartiet/Twitter

The Green Party climbed to 15.2 percent of the Swedish vote the European Parliament elections on Sunday, making it the second largest party after the Social Democrats, who received 24.5 percent of the vote.

The night also ushered two smaller and new parties into the union's elected assembly. The Sweden Democrats (SD) took home 9.9 percent of the votes, gaining its first two seats, while Feminist Initiative took its first seat as the party received 5.3 percent of the vote. 

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The Moderates instead suffered a major collapse, dropping to 13.5 percent. The Pirate Party suffered an even worse blow,  losing both its seats after only scraping together 2.2 percent of the votes.

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Södertörn University political scientist Nick Aylott summarized the results as a good day for small parties – but added that there was nothing worth getting excited about.

"No one will be carried away with manic depression or extreme joy over these results," he told The Local. "But it will be a very different story with the national elections in September." 
"In general, it's been a good day for small parties and the feminists made the real breakthrough. Now, Sweden's 20 mandates will be even more thinly spread among nine parties compared to eight last time around," he said.

Full statistics

Left Party 6.3 percent

Social Democrats 24.4 percent

Green Party 15.3 percent

The Liberals (Folkpartiet) 10.0 percent

Christian Democrats 6.0 percent

Moderate Party 13.6 percent

Sweden Democrats 9.7 percent

Pirate Party 2.2 percent

Feminist Initiative 5.3 percent

Centre Party: 6.5 percent

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