Ten signs you’ve been in Sweden too long

After a while in Sweden, many foreigners find themselves turning a bit Swedish. Here are ten signs that you might have been here for just a bit too long.

Ten signs you've been in Sweden too long
Take your shoes off. TAKE THEM OFF. Photo: Fredrik Persson/TT
Ah yes, it's all very nice when you're fresh off the boat and those funny Swedes are dancing around the Maypole and putting strange little dots and circles on their vowels.
But, if you're anything like me, you'll slowly find yourself picking up some of their habits (and most of their vowels), while simultaneously creating some of your own.
Of course, there are things you need to pick up immediately just to survive (like finding the nummerlapp when you walk into a bank), but these are things that you can only really pick up after a while. 
For the record, I've been here for just over three years now and these are very much my own observations – feel free to add comments below for what's to come.
Article written in 2014 by Oliver Gee. He now lives in Paris and hosts The Earful Tower podcast. Follow him on Twitter.