Italian cities among world’s worst for traffic

Rome and the Sicilian capital of Palermo are among the top 10 most congested cities in the world, a new report has found.

Italian cities among world's worst for traffic
Palermo is the most congested city in Italy. Photo: Verity Cridland/Flickr

Palermo is the second-most congested city in Europe, after the Polish capital Warsaw, and the fifth-worst in the world. The data was compiled by TomTom, comparing travel times in rush hour to those at non-congested times of day.

Moscow took the top spot, with traffic being only marginally better in Istanbul and third-place Rio de Janeiro.

Rome faired little better, at eighth place, demonstrating the challenge faced by Mayor Ignazio Marino as he tries to pedestrianize parts of the Italian capital.

French drivers likely feel equally frustrated, with Marseille rated the sixth-most congested city in the world. Paris was ranked the ninth-worst city for drivers, while Stockholm came in at tenth.

Other Italian cities also featured high on the list. Business capital Milan, at 24, is a worse place for drivers than the southern city of Naples, which was ranked 27th.

Drivers in a hurry should head to Turin, in the north-west, which at 40th place is less congested than a host of cities including London and Berlin. 

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