Berlin mother gives birth to sextuplets

Baby bonanza in Berlin: doctors at Charité hospital on Monday announced a young mother has given birth to four boys and two girls – the first time in more than 20 years anyone in Germany has had sextuplets.

Berlin mother gives birth to sextuplets
Not enough for you? Maybe double that. Photo: DPA

The babies, who were delivered prematurely at 27 weeks last Thursday, are in stable condition and doing well given the circumstances.

Despite the flurry of media interest, hospital director Dr. Ulrich Frei asked the public to respect the family’s privacy. “The children and their mother need some peace and quiet right now,” said Frei.

The birth of sextuplets remains rare in the age of fertility treatments, and the Berlin baby six-pack is the first in Germany since 1986. Unfortunately, back then the mother and one of the babies died right after birth.