Arboga suspect gives her story

The prime suspect in the Arboga child murder case has now told Swedish investigators what she was doing in the city on March 17th, the day the murders took place.

Arboga suspect gives her story

“She has given an account which I see as extremely plausible,” said the 31-year-old German woman’s lawyer, Per-Ingvar Ekblad, to the Vestmanlands Läns Tidning (VLT) newspaper.

“Both she and I, as her defence attorney, naturally want to straighten out any possible questions which remain. She is a suspect for an extremely serious crime and thus there are natural reasons for her to want to explain what she has done,” he said.

German prosecutors have also delivered the results of their analysis of scrapings taken from the woman’s finger nails.

“We found no DNA which matched that of the victims,” said Kathrine Söfker, spokesperson for the prosecutors’ office in Hannover.

Police in Germany have still not received results from analysis of the woman’s clothing.

Swedish police had not received the results of their own DNA analysis of the fingernail scrapings, said the police’s Bo Forsman to the Aftonbladet newspaper on Monday.

On Tuesday, investigators will continue their questioning of the woman, who was extradited from Germany to Sweden on April 29th.

The 31-year-old woman was ordered on Saturday to remain in custody on probable cause stemming from suspicions of committing two murders and one attempted murder.

The woman continues to deny the crimes.