Police officers threatened with dismissal for practical joke

Two police officers in northern Sweden are facing criminal charges after stealing a road sign as part of a practical joke, Expressen reports.

The two Jämtland officers dismantled a road sign from the village of Gubbträsk — which can be translated literally as ‘Codger’s Mire’ — and hung it up outside the office of a colleague who was about to go into retirement.

According to prosecutor Pär G Lindell, the officers illegally removed a road sign worth 1,500 kronor ($245).

If found guilty as charged, the officers risk losing their jobs, a potential course of action that has prompted protests from the police union.

“It was a so-called practical joke that got out of hand,” said chairman Jan Karlsen.

One of the officers has also been charged with hiding a colleague’s police car behind a pile of snow in December.

But a police disciplinary committee did not view the latter joke as grounds for dismissal.