12-year-old girl sends teacher to hospital

A twelve-year-old school girl from Mölndal in western Sweden is suspected of assaulting her female physical education teacher after being asked to leave class for rowdy behavior.

The teacher ended up being sent to the emergency room for her injuries and the incident has been reported to police, according to the Göteborgs-Posten newspaper.

The incident began when the teacher asked the girl and another student to leave the physical education class after ignoring requests to follow certain rules during class time.

The two students continued to disrupt the class from an adjacent room by banging on the door while the rest of the class tried to carry on with the lesson.

Fearing for her safety and that of her students, the teacher decided to break off the lesson. One of the students then said something to the girl who had been kicked out of class which caused her to fly into a rage.

The girl began yelling at the teacher, and then proceeded to punch and kick her repeatedly.

“We’re conducting an investigation, but this case involves minors who are simply too young to be punished. They’ll be dealt with by social services,” said Jan Nilsson from the police department’s juvenile division to Göteborgs-Posten.