Jamaican government popular with youth in CDU and FDP

The youth organizations of the CDU (centre-right) and FDP (centre/liberal) parties have called upon their party elders to form a so-called Jamaican coalition government.

A Jamaican government is a government ruled by a coalition between the CDU, FDP and the Green Party, whose colours are yellow, black and green, the colours of the Jamaican flag. This solution would allow Roland Koch to retain his seat as premier of Hesse.

“We are always ready for talks. But the Green Party blatantly refuses, even though, as losers of the elections, they must urgently make a move,” FDP General Secretary Dirk Niebel told Focus Magazine.

Because the Green Party abandoned negotiations, senior FDP politicians say the demands of the FDP youth organization cannot be met. The Green Party clashed with the CDU on key local issues concerning nuclear energy and the Frankfurt airport. Moreover, the Green Party has historically avoided working with Roland Koch, as many members strongly disagree with his rhetoric, specifically his views on immigration and youth delinquency. The head of the Green Party in Hesse is Tarek Al.Wazir, son of a Yemeni businessman and a German teacher.

Roland Koch is unpopular in Hesse, with 60 percent of Hessians wanting him to resign, according to a study done by the German news station n-TV. The study also says that 32 percent of Hessians think that Koch should keep his position. Roughly 30 percent of Koch’s fellow CDU members think he should resign.