‘Build four new nuclear reactors’

Liberal Party leader Jan Björklund has called for the construction in Sweden of four new nuclear reactors.

'Build four new nuclear reactors'

Writing in Dagens Nyheter, Björklund said he would ask party members later this year to consider “a broad expansion of carbon dioxide-free electricity production”.

This could be achieved by planning early for the development of four new power stations in the 2020s.

Sweden’s existing nuclear reactors are scheduled to reach the end of their cycles in the years stretching from 2022 to 2040.

“Our aim should be to replace these with new reactors,” wrote Björklund along with three other leading members of the Liberal Party. The reactors should be built on the same sites as Sweden’s existing power stations, they added.

The party leadership also urged Sweden to withdraw its commitment to bioenergy fuels and focus instead on electric vehicles.

“There is a certain amount of self-criticism in our comments regarding investment in electric vehicles. We think it is important to take on board the information that has emerged about the problems stemming from crop-based vehicle fuels.”

Björklund and his colleagues pointed to an OECD report highlighting the fact that food prices are driven up when food production is forced to compete with the energy industry.