Traces of polonium found in Swedish tourist

A Swede who stayed at the same hotel as the poisoned Russian former spy, Alexander Litvinenko, has been found to have increased levels of polonium in his body.

Following Litvinenko’s death in London in November, three Swedes were tested to see if they too had traces of the substance in their bodies. The Russian appeared to have been poisoned with a high dose of polonium 210, but the circumstances surrounding his death have so far baffled British police.

The results of the tests on the Swedes show that one of them has slightly raised levels of polonium.

“In one case it has been possible to see a slight increase of polonium in the urine, but it’s not at a level that poses a health risk,” said Jonas Holst, a medic at the crisis management unit at the National Board of Health and Welfare.

However, there are other possible causes for the increase, such as smoking or the consumption of certain foods.

“But it could also be related to the London visit,” said Holst.

The person with the increased level of polonium visited the bar at the hotel in London where Litvinenko stayed. No treatment is required, said Holst.

“We won’t be taking any other measures either,” he told TT.