Knutby nanny allowed out of clinic

Sara Svensson, the nanny who murdered mother of the children she cared for in the Christian cult community in Knutby, is to be given leave from psychiatric hospital for Christmas, Aftonbladet reports.

The county administrative court in Östergötland decided that Svensson, who committed the murders in January 2004, will be granted eight hours’ leave from Vadstena clinic, where she has been kept since her conviction. The time out will enable her to celebrate Christmas with her father, said Expressen.

Doctors told the court that Svensson’s treatment has been successful and that she is now psychologically stable.

Svensson shot Alexandra Fossmo in her sleep at her home in Knutby, near Uppsala. The victim was the wife of Pastor Helge Fossmo, one of the leaders of the extreme Pentecostal sect that dominated village life, and sister of Åsa Waldau – also known as the Bride of Christ – who was said to be the real sect leader.

The nanny went on to shoot neighbour Daniel Linde, but he survived the attack.

Svensson admitted to the killing and to Linde’s attempted murder, but said she was being controlled by the pastor. Fossmo had sent Svensson text messages, purporting to be from God, in which he told her to carry out the killings.