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How to get certified translations for your Austrian residence permit or citizenship application

The application process to become an Austrian citizen or even to get your residence permit requires many documents that must be translated by a certified translator. Here is how you easily find one.

How to get certified translations for your Austrian residence permit or citizenship application
Women translating documents. Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Applying for naturalisation or a permit in Austria can be a bit complex and take time. After your initial consultation, you will receive a long list of documents you need to provide, ranging from language certificates to proof of earnings, depending on your case.

While many of these documents may already be in German, any documents issued abroad will require a certified translation – and not just through a translation app.

You will need a professional translator to help you with your documents. This type of translation is known as an amtliche or beglaubigte Übersetzung – which means official or notarised translation.

Here is what you need to know about it.

What is a certified translation?

A certified translation is an official document with a stamp confirming that the translator and the translation are trustworthy. Even if you can translate a document into German yourself, only a qualified translator can provide a certified translation.

In Austria, certified translators have special qualifications and training to ensure their translations are accurate and officially accepted.

They are registered as notarised translators and are entitled to produce certified translations of documents for official purposes, such as visa or citizenship applications. 

READ MORE: Do I need to know everything about Austria’s history to become Austrian?

How do I find one?

Asking friends or colleagues who have already gone through the process could be a good idea. They might have someone in mind; if not, they might know of a trustworthy translation website. Additionally, your country’s embassy or consulate often has a list of sworn translators living in Austria. If you are still living abroad, you can ask the Austrian embassy or consulate for the same – certified translators often sign up with the embassies.

If that is not an option, you can find trustworthy and affordable options online.

In Austria, the ÖVGD (Austrian Association of Sworn and Court-Certified Interpreters) is one of the largest organisations that certifies translations for legal and official use. You can find a suitable translator directly on their website while choosing your preferred language.

Universitas Austria is another recognised association for translators and interpreters. On its website, you will find a search function where you can filter your results and find a suitable translator. 

Additionally, you can find many companies that offer certified translations online, mostly at decent prices and with a quick turnaround. Sometimes, you can even choose the deadline yourself.

This can be a convenient option if you prefer uploading your documents and paying online instead of reaching out to individual translators.

You can find these companies by googling amtliche Übersetzung or beglaubtige Übersetzung.

Popular options are Translingua and Express Translation.

austria passport

 The citizenship application process requires certified translations of documents. (© Amanda Previdelli / The Local)

READ ALSO: Five surprising Austrian citizenship rules you should know about

How expensive is it?

The cost of a notarised translation can vary and is usually based on several factors:

  • How quickly you need the documents
  • The translator’s level of experience
  • The complexity of the source language
  • The size of the company or translation firm 
  • The type of document

Most translators will give you a quote per page for official documents, which could be anywhere from €20 to €50 before VAT. 

If the cost is an issue, it can be a good idea to compare prices and ask about possible price reductions, especially if you need multiple documents translated at the same time.

READ NEXT: EXPLAINED: How to apply for Austrian citizenship

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Familienbeihilfe: How can I get Austria’s family allowance payments?

Austrian residents raising children are eligible for family allowance, a monthly payment to help with child costs. But how much can you receive and how do you get the payments?

Familienbeihilfe: How can I get Austria's family allowance payments?

If you have children and live in Austria, you may be entitled to receive Familienbeihilfe, or family allowance, a subsidy that helps parents with the costs of raising children. 

This allowance is available to Austrian residents whose centre of life is in Austria, provided they live in a shared household with their child. The family allowance applies to children up to the age of 18 but may be extended to 24 or 25 in some instances.

How do I apply for it?

In most cases, family allowance is granted automatically upon the birth of a child in Austria without the need for an application. 

The tax office will inform you of your entitlement after your child is born and registered in Austria. Still, you may be asked to provide additional details such as bank information – or further proof that your centre of life is in Austria. For example, the Financial Office in Austria (Finanzamt) may ask you to show proof that you live and work in the country. 

READ ALSO: What you need to know about parental leave in Austria

If an application is required – usually when the child was not born in Austria- if you are moving here with your family, it must be submitted to the local tax office either online via FinanzOnline or in person.

You will need to provide the birth certificate and residence registration (Meldezettel) for both the child and the applicant.

You can apply online at FinanzOnline, search for Familienbeihilfe on the website, and then click on the application page. You can also use the form Beih100 and hand it in in person after an appointment, sending it to the Finanzamt by mail or dropping it in the post box outside each local Finanz office. You can check addresses HERE.

How much is the family allowance?

The monthly family allowance depends on the age of the child:

  • €132.30 from birth
  • €141.50 when the child turns 3
  • €164.20 from age 10
  • €191.60 from age 19

If you have multiple children, you are entitled to a supplementary allowance that increases with each additional child. The Austrian government also provides a school start allowance of €116.10 in August for children aged between 6 and 15.

For children with significant disabilities, the allowance is increased by €180.90 per month, provided you submit a medical certificate certifying the child’s disability.

How is Family Allowance paid?

Payments are made monthly, and the parent in charge of the household, usually the mother, receives the allowance. However, the mother can waive this right in favour of the other parent if desired. Since January 2024, the amount has been adjusted automatically for inflation, ensuring continued support for families as living costs rise.

READ NEXT: What you need to know about Austria’s child support benefits