Testimony of Spain PM’s wife in her corruption investigation suspended

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's wife arrived at a Madrid court to testify before a judge Friday as part of a preliminary corruption probe into her business ties, but the hearing was quickly suspended with a new date set for July 19th.

Testimony of Spain PM's wife in her corruption investigation suspended
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's wife testifies before a judge on July 5th 2024 as part of a preliminary corruption probe into her business ties in a case that has complicated life for the Spanish leader. (Photo by JORGE GUERRERO / AFP)

Last month, a Madrid court summoned Begoña Gómez to testify “as an investigated party” as part of a judicial inquiry into “the alleged offences of corruption in the private sector and influence peddling”.

The case has infuriated the Socialist leader who says it is politically motivated.

Gómez arrived at the Madrid court shortly before 10:30 am (0830 GMT) to enter a closed hearing before judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who is running the preliminary investigation, an AFP correspondent at the scene said.

But one of her lawyers successfully pushed for the suspension on the grounds that she had not been informed of all the charges against her, a judicial source said.

The preliminary investigation was opened on April 16 following a complaint filed by the anti-graft NGO Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), which is linked to the far right.

The right-wing opposition has pounced on the affair as proof of their claims that Sánchez and his left-wing government are corrupt.

But he has denounced it as a smear campaign.

Earlier this week, Sánchez told Cadena SER radio he was feeling “totally calm and confident” because there was “absolutely nothing” in the allegations, denouncing “a legal strategy of harassment aimed at overthrowing” his government.

Along with the Catalan amnesty law, the Gomez affair has complicated life for Sanchez, whose brother is also facing a graft probe triggered by another Manos Limpias complaint, prompting a barrage of right-wing criticism.

READ MORE: Spain govt slams ‘trumped-up’ charge against PM’s brother

“It is an insult to the intelligence of all Spaniards when her husband simply says there’s nothing to it,” railed Miguel Tellado, spokesman for the right-wing opposition Popular Party (PP).

When news of the investigation broke at the end of April, Sánchez shocked Spain by saying he was considering resigning over what he described as a campaign of political harassment by the right.

After five days of reflection, he ultimately decided to stay on.

Madrid prosecutors appealed to have the case thrown out for lack of evidence, but they were overruled, with the investigating judge issuing the July summons just days before Spain voted in the EU elections.

European involvement

Legal documents show the probe is focused on the professional ties between Gómez and consultant Carlos Barrabes.

In documents released at the end of May, the court said it was looking into two letters of support Gómez allegedly provided in 2020 for a joint venture bidding for several public contracts.

The joint venture’s main shareholder was Barrabes, who also had ties to a department at Madrid’s Complutense University run by Gómez.

It won the contracts, beating 20 rivals, and was awarded 10.2 million euros ($11.1 million).

Earlier this week, the investigating judge said Gómez was being investigated for “all actions, conduct and behaviours… since her husband became prime minister”.

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who spent years as a judge at Spain’s top criminal court, said he found such a statement “worrying”, suggesting the investigation may be stretching beyond its legal mandate.

Part of the probe involving European funds has been turned over to Brussels.

“We can confirm that we have partially taken over the investigation… on June 6th,” the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) said in a statement to AFP, without giving further details.

‘Tip of the iceberg’

With a degree in marketing from Madrid’s private university ESIC and a master’s in management, Gómez has specialised over the years in fundraising, particularly for foundations and NGOs.

Her career has taken her to a number of positions, including at business consultancy Inmark Europa and Complutense University.

The issue has provoked a political war of words with PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo telling Onda Cero radio this week that Sánchez should take responsibility.

“The political responsibility lies with her husband. His behaviour is completely unacceptable, at very least from an ethical point of view,” he said.

“I’m not naive about why they’re doing this,” Sánchez told Cadena SER.

“From a political point of view they are trying to put an end to this progressive coalition government.”

The PP’s Tellado said the bottom line was simple.

“To what extent did Sánchez know about what was going on, and to what extent did he play a leading role? We have no doubt that Begoña Gómez is only the tip of the iceberg in this scandal.”

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‘Starting now’: New UK govt wastes no time in Gibraltar post-Brexit talks with Spain

The UK's new Foreign Secretary David Lammy has already spoken to his Spanish counterpart, raising hopes that Gibraltar's post-Brexit uncertainty could finally come to an end.

'Starting now': New UK govt wastes no time in Gibraltar post-Brexit talks with Spain

There are early signs that the recent change of government in the UK could inject some momentum into treaty negotiations to finally settle Gibraltar’s post-Brexit status, some eight years after the referendum vote and four after the UK officially left the EU.

Spain’s Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares has already spoken to his newly appointed British counterpart, David Lammy, and the pair have agreed to “work from now on” on issues including “reaching an agreement in relation to Gibraltar.”

READ ALSO: What Labour’s UK election win means for Brits in Spain

Albares reported the conversation on social media over the weekend.

The Minister said in his post on X that they not only spoke about Gibraltar but a range of issues including “the welfare of our citizens living in the other country” as well as reaching consensus on “mobility, trade, investment” and “support for Ukraine and the crisis in Gaza”.

Around 400,000 UK nationals live in Spain, the largest British migrant community in Europe. The latest data from Spain’s national statistics body INE show that there were around 180,000 Spaniards living in the UK at the beginning of 2023.

But many in Gibraltar, Britain’s tiny overseas territory at the southernmost tip of Spain, will hope that Lammy’s appointment can bring a new approach and some impetus to treaty negotiations, of which there have been seemingly endless rounds over several years.

Lammy wrote in The Local over the weekend that the new Labour government “will reset relations with Europe as a reliable partner, a dependable ally and a good neighbour.”

“But if we are to fulfil our ambitions for a reset,” Lammy added, “we must also improve Britain’s relationship with the European Union.”

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The new Minister previously said during the election campaign that he would tackle negotiations on Gibraltar’s post-Brexit status from where his predecessor, David Cameron, left off.

Spanish media reports during recent months suggested that progress had been made after Cameron’s surprise return to frontline politics, but they were suspended for the UK election campaign.

“It’s a file that clearly I will pick up from David Cameron, and I look forward to doing that,” Lammy stated. “I recognise it’s an outstanding issue that comes out of the Brexit arrangements, and I will pick that up.”

Last May, the UK, Spain and the European Commission made progress in Brussels during negotiations on the economic, trade, mobility, environmental and social welfare aspects of an agreement, but did not provide details on the issues yet to be resolved.

However, throughout treaty negotiations sovereignty and the use of Gibraltar’s airport, as well as the possibility of Spanish border guards on British soil, have been sticking points.

Gibraltar’s Chief Minister Fabian Picardo stated on social media that he too had spoken with Lammy. “The re-stated commitment, this morning, by David Lammy to the “Double Lock” on British Sovereignty of Gibraltar is very welcome,” Picardo said.

Despite the referendum vote being eight years ago, and the UK officially leaving the EU four years ago, there is still no official Brexit deal for Gibraltar. Since then locals have lived in uncertainty and border arrangements have essentially been fudged by Spanish authorities and proven unpredictable.

Following the election of Labour in last week’s general election, Spain and the UK are arguably Europe’s two most high profile left-leaning governments amid a broader rightward swing across the rest of the continent.

Picardo noted this potential political alignment in his post on X: “For the first time in history, we have socialist parties in government in London, Madrid and Gibraltar… that ideological solidarity will no doubt help us in our work.”