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‘How I finally got German citizenship in Berlin after six years of waiting’

New German citizen Matt Bristow had been waiting years for Berlin authorities to process his citizenship application. But threatening legal action moved his case forward. He told The Local how he did it and shared advice on naturalising.

Matt Bristow outside Rathaus Schöneberg just before applying his German passport and ID card at the Bürgeramt
Matt Bristow outside Rathaus Schöneberg just before applying his German passport and ID card at the Bürgeramt. Photo courtesy of Matt Bristow

Becoming German was a six-year ordeal for Matt Bristow. 

The 39-year-old submitted his application nearly six years ago – and on July 1st, he finally naturalised as German while keeping his British citizenship. 

So why did it take so long?

Bristow, who is a psychologist and long-time volunteer for the citizens’ rights group British in Germany, admits that he submitted “a bit of a cheeky application” to his local Berlin office back in August 2018  because he didn’t meet all the criteria at the time – although he did receive praise from officials on his organised file.

“At first they were saying that they think they might reject my application,” he said, although it “took them a long time to say that”.

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Bristow said the application then wasn’t rejected, and ended up “gathering dust in the cupboard for a long time”.

In 2022, he moved to a different part of Berlin and asked for the file to be transferred to the new office.

This was, of course, before Berlin changed to a centralised and online-led system for citizenship applications at the start of this year.

Moving homes meant Bristow’s application presumably went to the bottom of the pile even though he points out that he did meet the criteria for naturalisation at this stage. 

Various back-and-forth letters along with delays continued, and Bristow believes his application got caught up in the messy transition to a digital system. 

READ ALSO: ‘I’ve waited four years’ – Foreigners in Berlin furious over German citizenship delays

“In the end, I think the only reason I am getting my citizenship is because I decided to sue the city and say: ‘it’s been taking too long,'” he said a few days before his naturalisation ceremony.

Amazingly, Bristow completed the legal challenge himself without a lawyer. 

It involved a lot of preparation and research. “But I got an answer very quickly saying that I met the criteria, and I could have the citizenship,” he said. 

‘Not something for the faint hearted’

Bristow filed what is known as an Untätigkeitsklage, the German word for a legal action that involves challenging a German administrative authority’s “failure to act”.

READ ALSO: German word of the day – Untätigkeitsklage

But he warned that doing it without a lawyer is no easy feat. “I would say it’s not something for the faint hearted, because you have to kind of look carefully into it,” said Bristow. “But basically, the law says that if you have waited more than three months since your application and your application meets the criteria, then you can file a lawsuit saying that they have to make a decision.

“And I decided to prepare it all myself. You can go to the courts and and they will help you phrase it properly, but they won’t give you legal advice. But I decided – with my background working in the public sector in Germany – I’d give it a go myself, and was successful.”

Matt Bristow celebrates with Germany-themed cake after getting citizenship

Matt Bristow celebrates with colleagues, Germany-themed cake and alcohol-free prosseco after getting citizenship. Photo courtesy of Matt Bristow

Bristow paid around €800 for court costs, but he will receive the money back because he won the claim. He also shared his experience of filing an Untätigkeitsklage in a Facebook group for people looking to naturalise as German in Berlin.

READ ALSO: When to consider legal action for your German citizenship application

When asked about Bristow’s delayed application, a spokesperson from Berlin’s interior ministry told The Local they could not comment on individual cases. 

The ministry spokesperson did point out, however, that officials are working their way through a backlog of around 40,000 applications, as well as dealing with around 20,000 online applications submitted since January 1st this year. 

“The LEA (Landesamt für Einwanderung) staff are now processing all procedures as efficiently as possible and aim to increase the number of naturalisations from 9,000 to 20,000 this year,” the spokesperson said. “By the end of May 2024, 3,327 procedures had already been brought to a positive conclusion.”

People enter the immigration office

For foreigners who move to Germany and settle in Berlin, a visit to the Berliner Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) is ultimately unavoidable. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Britta Pedersen

But they were not able to say how long citizenship applications in Berlin would take.

“Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict how long currently pending procedures will (still) take or how long it will take to process new applications,” the spokesperson said.

“However, with the new digital application procedure, improved and streamlined management of business processes and increased staffing, the LEA is very well positioned to deal with the large number of naturalisation procedures much more quickly in future.”

READ ALSO: What are citizenship offices around Germany doing to prepare for the new law?

Getting your application in order

Now that the rules have changed to allow dual citizenship and residency requirements have been reduced, many more foreign residents may be considering applying to get their hands on a German passport. As a newly-naturalised citizen, what advice would Bristow give?

He said applying is a good opportunity for people who have struggled with the German language to take a course. 

“I’d encourage people to use this as as an excuse really – to say: ‘now’s the time to brush up on my German skills, get them up to the B1 level,'” he said. 

PODCAST: Cannabis clubs arrive and could Germany’s citizenship law be reversed?

And, importantly, get all of your documents in order.

“Work out what it is that you need to have to apply, get yourself a folder,” he said. 

Bristow also advised considering not changing jobs while you’re in the process because it’s better to be in a secure role. 

“Don’t give them a reason to question your application,” he said.

Bristow also said people should seek advice if they have any questions, whether through support groups online or citizens’ rights groups.

‘Weight has lifted’

For Bristow, naturalising as German after years of waiting felt like a relief. 

“I am surprised at just how much of a weight has lifted from my shoulders in these first few days of being a German citizen – I didn’t realise how much I had been carrying around with me all these years,” he said.

“I have called Berlin home on-and-off for 20 years. But ever since the Brexit referendum campaign in 2016, it’s felt like my place here in Germany was somehow conditional, even with a very secure residence status.

“It’s now not just a privilege to call this place my home, it’s a right that can never be taken away from me – and I am truly grateful for that.”

Member comments

  1. Are there stories regarding how Permanent Residence applicants have been affected by the centralization? I have been waiting for nearly 6 months and no word on an appointment?

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FACT CHECK: Do new German citizens have to affirm Israel’s right to exist?

Two major international news outlets have reported that applicants for German citizenship are required to 'acknowledge the state of Israel’s right to exist'. To what extent is this true?

FACT CHECK: Do new German citizens have to affirm Israel’s right to exist?

Following the enactment of Germany’s new rules for gaining citizenship, which came into effect on Thursday, some international media outlets have reported that applicants for naturalisation will now need to “affirm Israel’s right to exist”.

US-based CNN, for example, ran an article on Thursday with the headline “Germany demands new citizens accept the state of Israel’s right to exist”.

On Tuesday the UK’s Financial Times had published a similar report titled “New German citizens must acknowledge Israel’s right to exist”.

While the information included within both articles was factually correct, their headlines were misleading.

Applicants are not explicitly required to affirm Israel’s right to exist

Perhaps the most important thing to note is that there is not a portion of the application process under the new law for German citizenship where the applicant needs to verbally state or sign a document acknowledging Israel’s right to exist.

However, as The Local has reported, the government has tightened the citizenship law against hate crime and anti-Semitism in the wake of war in the Middle East, with one federal state – Saxony-Anhalt- vowing to go further and requiring applicants to declare Israel’s right to exist. 

This was pointed out by Berlin-based journalist James Jackson who took to social media to highlight how the Financial Times headline was misleading earlier this week. 

Nevertheless, The Local contacted the German government’s Interior Ministry (BMI) to ask them whether citizenship applicants would be required to declare their belief in Israel’s right to exist, as the headlines in the international media suggested.

In response, a BMI spokesperson pointed out that anyone who wants to be naturalised in Germany “must be committed to the values of a free society…”

The spokesperson added that “anti-Semitic, racist or other inhuman acts are incompatible with Germany’s Basic Law”.

In other words, anti-Semitic acts or statements could be grounds for rejecting a citizenship application.

Journalist James Jackson explained in a video on the issue that an example of this could be if someone had denied Israel’s right to exist in a social media post, this could be seen as reason to reject their citizenship application.

The BMI seemed to confirm this, adding: “If an applicant questions Israel’s right to exist, the citizenship authorities can investigate whether such statements are based on an anti-Semitic attitude”. 

If examples of anti-Semitism are discovered, then the applicant could very well be rejected from being allowed to obtain German citizenship. 

“An effective commitment to the free democratic basic order and to the special historical responsibility of the Federal Republic of Germany and an anti-Semitic attitude are mutually exclusive,” the BMI spokesperson said. 

This lines up with Germany’s ‘Staatsrasön’ or “reason of state”, a political term that former Chancellor Angela Merkel used to emphasise that every government must be committed to “Germany’s special historical responsibility for Israel’s security”.

READ ALSO: What is Germany’s ‘Staatsrasön’ and why is it being talked about so much right now?

Applicants have to share Germany’s values

One part of Germany’s new citizenship rules are changes to the citizenship test, including the addition of questions that deal with the history of Judaism in Germany and anti-Semitism.

One of the added questions asks, “Which act relating to the state of Israel is prohibited in Germany?”

The correct answer is, “Openly calling for the destruction of the state of Israel”.

This is one of 322 questions that may appear in applicants’ German citizenship knowledge test. Some 33 are selected for each test, and applicants need to get at least 17 of them right to pass.

READ ALSO: ‘Special responsibility’ – Why Germany is shaking up citizenship test questions

Law tightened up around anti-Semitism 

The change to the citizenship questions came after a political debate on whether or not potential citizens should be required to formally recognise the state of Israel’s right to exist.

In October 2023 – just a couple of weeks after Hamas’ terror attack on Israel and the outbreak of Israel’s war on Gaza – Christian Democratic (CDU) leader Friedrich Merz suggested adding a signed agreement acknowledging Israel’s right to exist to Germany’s citizenship application process.

READ ALSO: CDU leader calls for German citizenship to be allowed ‘only with recognition of Israel’

This sparked a debate on the constitutionality of collecting said document, which threatened to delay Germany’s citizenship reform even further.

Ultimately, a compromise was reached that included tightening rules against anti-Semitism for citizenship applications, but not requiring applicants to sign a direct statement acknowledging Israel’s right to exist.

German lawmakers have been keen to stress that anyone naturalising as German must have a commitment to Germany’s Basic Law and democratic values. 

The spokesperson for the BMI echoed this in their statement: “Anyone who wants to be naturalised in Germany must be committed to the values of a free society.

“These include, in particular, the dignity and equality of all people. Anyone who does not share these values or even acts contrary to them may not become a German citizen.”