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How to use the Paris Olympics and Paralympics ticket app

People who have bought tickets for the Paris Olympics and Paralympics will need to use the Games app to retrieve them - here's how it works.

How to use the Paris Olympics and Paralympics ticket app
If you're not one of the world's best athletes, your 'ticket to Paris' will be bought via the ticketing app. Photo by Attila KISBENEDEK / AFP

If you have already bought tickets for the Games in Paris this summer, or if you plan to, you will have bought them online via the official ticketing site.

The next stage is getting the actual tickets themselves, and this is done via the app. There is no option to have paper tickets mailed to you.

Here’s how it works

First you need to download the Paris 2024 Tickets app onto your smartphone. Make sure you have the right app, there is another app called Paris 2024 Olympics, but this one just provides Games information, you can’t get your tickets on it.

The same app is used for both Olympic and Paralympic tickets.

The app is available in English and will automatically appear in English if this is the language that your phone is set to.

Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to open it up and login – head to the Menu bar and then My Ticketing Account, you can login there using the email address and password that you used for the ticketing website when you bought your tickets.

Once you are logged in, head back to the homepage and select ‘Upcoming sessions’ – there you should see the list of tickets that you have reserved. 


Click on each session to find the full details of your event – the date, time and location plus a fuller explanation of what it is that you are seeing.

Scroll down and you will find details of the exact session – eg whether it is a heat, semi final, final etc and if you are watching team sports which teams will be playing.

The events also give you a brief summary of how the sport is played, rules and scoring system, so if you are watching an event for the first time – and the Games are a great chance to discover new sports – you will understand what is going on. 


To find the ticket itself, click the purple arrow next to the ticket outline. 

This takes you through to the full ticket showing your seat number and the name on the ticket. There is also a space for a QR code – these only appear a couple of days before the event (due to security measures) so don’t panic if the space for the QR code is currently blank.

Change tickets

The app also gives you the options to make changes to your tickets.

There are three options; transfer, rename or resell.

Transfer – this is the one you use to send tickets to a friend or acquaintance. You can use it either if you’re not planning on going and you’re giving your ticket to someone else, or you can use it if you are going as a group and you think it would be easier for each member of the group to have their own tickets on their own phone.

The process is the same either way – click on ‘transfer’ and your phone will show you a list of options to make the transfer – it’s based on how you usually send messages or share links with your friends so it’s likely to include options like email, text message, WhatsApp and other messaging services.

Select the way you want to send it, and then select your friend’s contact details from your address book.

They will then get a message via WhatsApp, email or other messaging service – it will say ‘A ticket for the Paris 2024 Games has been sent to you’ and then provide details of the event and a link to click.

The recipient first needs to download the Paris 2024 Tickets app themselves, and then they can click on the link to retrieve the ticket.

When retrieving it, you will be given the option to change the name on the ticket.

Rename – each ticket needs to be in the name of the person who is going.

So let’s say you bought tickets for yourself and three friends to attend an event. You will have four tickets, all in your name – so you will need to change the name on three of them to the names of the other people who will be attending.

You can change the names more than once, so if plans change you can simply change the name on the ticket again.

When attending your event, each person will need both a ticket and a piece of photo ID which matches the name on the ticket.

Resell – this is the option for if you can no longer attend and don’t have any friends or family who are willing to take the ticket off your hands.

It puts the ticket onto the official resale site and – if someone buys it – you will then get your money back, minus a small admin fee.

The official ticket site and the resale site are the only licensed platforms for Games tickets, so you should be extremely wary of any tickets offered via other platforms such as Viagogo or Ticketmaster. 

READ MORE: The rules for buying and selling tickets in France

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France detains six over racist messages against singer Nakamura: prosecutors

French authorities temporarily detained six people in an investigation into racist abuse against superstar Franco-Malian singer Aya Nakamura after reports she might sing at the Olympics opening ceremony, prosecutors said Friday.

France detains six over racist messages against singer Nakamura: prosecutors

The six were detained on Tuesday after being “identified in the course of an investigation over incitement to hatred online”, a source in the state prosecution service, who asked not to be named, told AFP.

They were released the following day, the source said, adding that investigators had also examined material seized during searches.

Nakamura, 29, was at the centre of a political storm after President Emmanuel Macron suggested the singer of “Djadja” could perform at the July 26 Olympic event.

Far-right politicians and conservatives rounded on her, accusing her of “vulgarity” and not respecting the French language.

Police opened a probe after the anti-racism group LICRA in March flagged numerous racist online messages targeting Nakamura.