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What you should know before hiring a gardener in Spain

If you're lucky enough to have a garden in Spain, but need some help managing it in a hotter climate, you might consider hiring a gardener, but there are several things to be aware of before you do.

What you should know before hiring a gardener in Spain
What you need to know about hiring a gardener in Spain. Photo: Anna Shvets / Pexels

Around 65 percent of the population of Spain live in apartments, so don’t often have their own gardens, but if you’re one of the lucky 35 percent who live in a house and do have your own green patch, you may be wondering how to manage it.

If you’re not green-fingered or you don’t have the time for the upkeep of your garden, you could consider hiring a gardener to manage it. Or perhaps you’re new to Spain and you’re not used to the types of plants that grow well here or don’t understand why you can’t get a lush green lawn, then you might need some help. 

READ ALSO: How to get involved with urban gardens in Spain

Gardeners can provide many different services in Spain, from designing gardens and cutting hedges to fertilising plants, cutting down dead trees and even controlling pests.

But before you hire one, there are several things you need to keep in mind and consider.

Check your home insurance

Gardeners are exposed to different dangers during their work. Therefore, it is important that you have adequate insurance in case of any unforeseen event on your property. In this way, both parties will be covered in case of accidents and misfortunes.

This will usually be listed on your original home insurance policy, but if in doubt you should contact your provider to find out what you’re covered for and what you’re not. You should also find out what type of work and health insurance your gardener has too. 

Ask for references

Before hiring a professional gardener, the first thing you should do is ask for references. It’s important that you can trust the person working in your home – even if they’re only in the garden. You also want to find someone reliable, who isn’t going to take advantage of you and keep going around the corner to the local bar for a cerveza (beer), and not able to finish the work on time. It’s not uncommon to find cowboy gardeners who don’t really know what they’re doing or who simply leave a job halfway through because they get a better offer. 

If you can’t get personal recommendations from friends, you can ask around on local online forums or ask gardeners for images of their previous jobs to learn how they work and what they can do. 

READ ALSO: Do I need a permit to put a shed or wooden hut in my garden in Spain?

Check credentials and licences

It’s important to check the credentials and licences of anyone you hire. The credentials will serve as a reference to ensure that they are a qualified professional. For example, do they have their driver’s licence? While this is not essential it may be important if they need to reach you without public transport and bring their own tools. Do you they have their own registered business or are they signed up to the autónomo system because they’re self-employed? While some of these factors may not affect you, others will and you could potentially be paying someone under the table, without them declaring their taxes. 

Define the tasks that need to be carried out

You need to be sure of what you want doing in the garden. It’s no good just telling someone to simply take care of it, you need to lay out the tasks you want carried out. What changes do you want? Will they be in charge of removing pests as well, or just taking care of the watering and planting? How often do you need them and what tools, pesticides or fertilisers will they be using? This will ensure both of you know what’s expected. 

Sign a contract

Most importantly, you need to make a contract for your gardener to sign. This document provides legal support for everything you have agreed upon. From the budget to deadlines, schedules and possible modifications, it should all be set out in writing. Signing a detailed contract is the best way to avoid misunderstandings and arguments. 

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Spain considers banning tourist lets in residential buildings

The Spanish government has announced it's studying the possibility of prohibiting tourist apartments in residential buildings where property owners live.

Spain considers banning tourist lets in residential buildings

The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, announced this Tuesday that the Government is studying a reform of the Horizontal Property Law in order to allow property owners to prohibit tourist apartments in their residential buildings.

In Spain, each building has what’s known as a community of neighbours, referred to La Comunidad or Comunidad de Vecinos in Spanish, and essentially the Spanish government is considering giving them veto power over tourist apartments in their buildings.

READ ALSO: ‘La comunidad’: What property owners in Spain need to know about homeowners’ associations

The announcement was stated in an interview on Telecinco, in which Rodríguez stated that this move comes as a consequence of recent supreme court rulings on tourist apartments in Oviedo in Asturias and San Sebastián in the Basque Country.

In the rulings, the magistrates concluded that the rental of housing for tourist use is an economic activity, and agreed that communities of owners in two separate buildings could ban tourist rentals in several apartments.  

“It will be the neighbourhood communities that will also be able to participate in these types of decisions, because this phenomenon, which is not exclusive to our country, affects the entire world and the main capitals in Europe,” explained the minister.

READ ALSO – UPDATE: Which cities in Spain have new restrictions on tourist rentals?

Recently, Rodríguez has criticised that the proliferation of tourist apartments causes problems for locals, that it stops them from being able to access decent housing and raises the price of rentals.

She praised the regions which have taken steps to try and put a stop to this and gave the recent example of Barcelona City Council, which announced last Friday that it would eliminate all tourist apartments by the end of 2028.

She believes this move in Barcelona “will benefit citizens who want to live in their city, who do not want it to be a theme park and who prioritise the right to access housing over economic interests”.

Spain’s Horizontal Property Law , which was modified once in 2019, already states that it “requires a favourable vote of three-fifths of the total number of owners who, in turn, represent three-fifths of the participation quotas”. This means that already owners have a big say in whether tourist licences can be granted to apartments in their buildings.

However, the particular wording of the law has been the subject of much legal controversy and judicial interpretation. The reason is because the wording of the law only mentions the possibility for communities to “limit or condition” tourist use, but they do not have the power to “prohibit” since the law does not expressly say so.

Several regions have their own rulings through regional courts, but this new announcement aims to make it universal across the board in Spain and ensure that there’s no room for misinterpretation.

Rodríguez is set to meet this afternoon with the governing board of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Housing and Tourism Commissions to address this matter and come to a decision.