Rebel Spanish nuns reject Church ultimatum

A community of nuns in Spain who have split with the Vatican because of a property dispute confirmed Friday their "irreversible" desire to leave the Church, paving the way for their excommunication.

Journalists wait in front of the Archbishopric of Burgos, where the Poor Clare Sisters of Belorado were expected to be heard, in Burgos in northern Spain
Journalists wait in front of the Archbishopric of Burgos, where the Poor Clare Sisters of Belorado were expected to be heard, in Burgos in northern Spain, on June 21, 2024. A community of nuns in a 15th century convent in northern Spain has split with the Roman Catholic Church because of a property dispute and doctrinal wrangling that has seen them join up with a renegade priest. (Photo by CESAR MANSO / AFP)

The 16 Poor Clare sisters who live in a 15th century convent in the northern town of Belorado near Burgos said they were breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church because it had blocked their attempt to buy another convent.

They also accused the Vatican of “doctrinal chaos” and “contradictions” in its positions on matters of faith in their May 13 letter announcing the split, which was published on social media and signed by the order’s Mother Superior, Sister Isabel de la Trinidad.

The nuns announced they were now under the jurisdiction of excommunicated priest Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco, who is known for his ultraconservative views.

He heads the Devout Union of the Apostle Saint Paul, a religious group regarded as a sect by the Catholic Church and presents himself as a bishop, appearing in public in episcopal robes.

Sanchez-Franco backs sedevacantism, a movement which holds that all popes since Pius XII, who died in 1958, are heretics and that there is currently no valid pontiff.

The Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta who in 2019 excommunicated Sanchez-Franco, has expressed “perplexity” over the nuns’ breakaway.

The Church had given the rebel nuns until Friday to appear before an ecclesiastical tribunal to confirm their decision to split, which could lead to excommunication — a move that would deprive them of certain sacraments such as confession.

The nuns did not appear before the tribunal but instead said in a statement on Friday they had sent a fax to the archbishop’s office in which “we have made known our unanimous and irreversible wish” to leave the Church.

This decision is “the fruit of mature, meditative and conscious reflection, which has been validated by all” the nuns of the community, they added in the statement posted on their recently created Instagram account, saying that they were acting “freely and voluntarily”.

The nuns said they did not recognise the tribunal and called the proceedings against them a “farce”.

“He who truly loves God does not truly love if he does not have the ardent and constant desire to suffer for his sake,” they wrote.

Church officials have so far not reacted publicly to the statement.

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Spanish nuns excommunicated after sect claim, property row

The Vatican has excommunicated 10 nuns from northern Spain after a months-long standoff over a property dispute and amid claims they belonged to a sect, it emerged Saturday.

Spanish nuns excommunicated after sect claim, property row

“It was the sisters themselves who expressed their free and personal decision to abandon the Catholic Church,” said a statement from the Archbishop of Burgos’s office.

It issued the statement after the nuns failed to turn up for a meeting to discuss their position before a church tribunal.

The nuns excommunicated were among 16 Poor Clare sisters living in a 15th-century convent in the small northern town of Belorado near Burgos. The other six — the eldest in the group — have been spared excommunication as they are considered vulnerable.

On Friday, they had confirmed their “irreversible” desire to leave the Church following a dispute during which the Vatican blocked their attempt to buy another convent.

The stand-off began when the sisters accused the Vatican of “doctrinal chaos” and “contradictions” in positions on faith matters in a May 13 letter published on social media.

It was signed by the order’s Mother Superior, Sister Isabel de la Trinidad, who said they were being “persecuted” for trying to purchase another convent in the northern Basque region.

The nuns say they see themselves as under the jurisdiction of excommunicated priest Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco, known for his ultraconservative views.

He heads the Devout Union of the Apostle Saint Paul, a religious group regarded as heretics by the Catholic Church. Sanchez-Franco presents himself as a bishop, appearing in public in episcopal robes.

A ‘false bishop’ 

The Vatican tasked the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, who in 2019 excommunicated Sanchez-Franco, with approaching the sisters to bring them round and stop them from break away.

He also had to obtain the keys to their convent, which the Church says it owns.

The Church had given the rebel nuns until Friday to appear before an ecclesiastical tribunal to confirm their decision to split.

They had warned that this could mean excommunication — a move that would deprive them of certain sacraments such as confession. But the nuns did not turn up for the tribunal.

Instead, they said in a statement Friday that they had sent a fax to the archbishop’s office confirming “we have made known our unanimous and irreversible wish” to leave the Church.

They insisted their decision was “the fruit of mature, meditative and conscious reflection, which has been validated by all” the nuns of the community.

They were acting “freely and voluntarily” but stressing they did not recognise the tribunal, the statement added.

Saturday the Church in Spain responded: “On June 22, the Archbishop of Burgos, legal representative of the monastery of Belorado … transmitted the decree declaring excommunication … of the 10 sisters who caused a schism.”

Theologian Luis Santamaria, founder of the Ibero-American Network for the Study of Sects, stated: “Excommunication is the most serious sanction measure in canon law.”

He added: “In the specific case of the Poor Clares of Belorado, they can no longer be considered Catholic nuns and it is normal that they abandon a monastery where they no longer belong.

Santamaria dubbed Pablo de Rojas a “false bishop”, leading “a sect” which “imitates traditional Catholicism and declares itself to be the depositary of the true Christian faith,” thereby engaging in “disinformation, emotional pressure and lies”.