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Wolves to lynx: Where in Switzerland could you come across predators?

Switzerland’s natural spaces are truly breathtaking and are one reason the country is considered a world-class destination for outdoor sports. It is, however, a space shared with a wide variety of what we consider predator species. 

Wolves to lynx: Where in Switzerland could you come across predators?
Approximately 250 grey wolves make Switzerland their home. Photo: Photo: Keyouest/Pixabay

Let’s be clear: The odds of being threatened, much less encountering a wild animal in Switzerland are incredibly slight. 

That said, it’s always good to know where large carnivore species can be found across the country.

This picture is made much clearer with the publication this week of the Kora Foundation for Predator Ecology and Wildlife Management‘s annual report, which describes the distribution and abundance of several types of predator.


Much like many European countries, native species of wolf – in particular the dominant grey wolf species – became virtually extinct in Switzerland in the early twentieth century.

This was due to increased clearance of their native habitats, as well as culls to protect livestock.

The last known wolf killed for over a century in Switzerland was shot at Irigna in the canton of Ticino in 1871.

Switzerland’s proximity to Italy would lead to a revival in their fortunes. After grey wolves received protection from the Italian government in 1971, their numbers were able to increase on the far side of the Alps. 

After a few scattered sightings of single grey wolves throughout the mid-twentieth century, wolves began to cross the Alps in pack groups into Switzerland in the mid-nineties – and they were placed under protection. 

In 2023, evidence of 313 wolves in Switzerland was found, with 232 of the samples originating from live animals. 122 wolf pups have been observed. 

Genetic testing in the same year has revealed that there are approximately 37 wolf packs distributed across Switzerland, with by far the largest concentrations to be found in the cantons of Valais, Ticino Graubünden and St Gallen. 

This resurgence of wolves has been met with some resistance, however. Farmers have long campaigned to protect livestock, although a proposed recent cull was abandoned due to concerns over its scope.

Hikers heading into these regions needn’t fear, however. The Kora Foundation suggests that wolves are timid creatures who generally attempt to avoid human contact. In fact, the last fatality caused by a wolf anywhere in Europe occurred in Spain over fifty years ago. 

READ MORE: How volunteers are scaling the Swiss Alps to chase wolves away from livestock


The population of lynx in Switzerland – a member of the wildcat family – have also seen growth over the same period that wolves reemerged.

Like wolves, the destruction of lynx habitats and the elimination of several of their favoured prey species meant that the last lynx spotted for several decades was documented at the Simplon Pass in 1904. 

In the 1970s, as environmental concerns began to inform government policy, an attempt to restore lynx populations was undertaken. 

In 1971 a breeding pair of lynx was taken from the Carpathian mountains and released into the wild in the canton of Obwalden, with subsequent releases in Jura. 

The most recent data from 2019 indicates that there are approximately 250 lynx currently living in Switzerland, with the highest concentrations in Vaud, Jura, Bern, Solothurn, and Aargau. Other significant populations can be found in Bern, Lucerne, Schwyz, and Graubünden.

The Kora Foundation notes that lynx present no danger to humans, only rarely attacking livestock.

READ MORE: Swiss and Italians butt heads over border bears


Finally, some may find it comforting to know that there is almost zero chance of encountering a bear on their next Swiss hike. 

After the last brown bear in Switzerland was killed in Graubünden in 1904, there have been few sightings over the next century, with none until 2005. No native populations have been detected.

To this day, bears are usually only observed migrating to and from Switzerland through the canton of Grisons, with none establishing a permanent presence for breeding.

Occasionally, single individuals do wander further. There have been reports of sightings over the years in the cantons of Bern, Grisons, Lucerne, Nidwald, Obwald, Schwyz, Ticino, Uri, and Valais. 

While the Kora Foundation states that brown bears are particularly drawn to forage near human settlements, the sheer scarcity of bear sightings annually suggests that those enjoying the Swiss outdoors have no cause to worry. 

And what about Golden Jackals?

The golden jackal, a wolf-like carnivore, is incredibly rare in Switzerland. There have only been confirmed sightings in the cantons of Zurich and Graubünden.

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What’s on: 7 unmissable events in Switzerland this July

From concerts to medieval shows, here's a selection of fantastic events you can go to this July in various parts of Switzerland.

What's on: 7 unmissable events in Switzerland this July

Let’s start with two music festivals which are best known internationally:

Montreux Jazz Festival

The iconic jazz festival returns to Montreux from July 5th through to 20th with acts such as Alice Cooper, Sting, Duran Duran, and Lenny Kravtiz, among other world-class artists performing with the Alps and Lake Geneva as their backdrop.

You can find out more about this year’s edition in a video here.

Paléo Festival

Another legendary concert is the Paléo Festival, the country’s biggest open-air musicfest, which takes place from July 23rd to 28th.

It is held in a Woodstock-like setting in an open field in Nyon, near Geneva.

Every year, around 250,000 festival goers flock to the six-day event to rock out to more than 300 concerts across seven stages and browse its 150 stalls and bars.

This is this year’s programme

Sommerfest Iseltwald

Iseltwald is often referred to as the pearl of Lake Brienz, and rightfully so. The fishing village is located on the left bank of the river and is one of the smallest communities in the canton of Bern.

The quaint Swiss village was recently forced to limit the number of tourists after fans of a South Korean Netflix hit show flocked to the region in droves sparking a backlash from locals.

So, if you are among the horde of visitors headed to the village for its annual Sommerfest between July 12th and July 14th, make sure to read our article on the steps you need to take in order to be permitted ‘entry’ to the village:

READ ALSO: Swiss village forced to restrict visitor numbers after Netflix success

Openair Frauenfeld

If you like hip-hop, thEn the  Openair Frauenfeld 2024 promises to cater to your taste.

The festival takes place from Thursday, 11th, through to Saturday, July 13th, with headliners such as Nicki Minajj, Milano, and Kenny Mason.

Moon & Stars

Yes, it sounds heavenly…and it is…

If you happen to find yourself in Locarno, Ticino, from July 11th to 21st, then head to the city’s picturesque Piazza Grande to enjoy an unforgettable summer evening with first-class live music.

Among performers this year are Italian singers Ricchi et Poveri, as well as US stars Lenny Kravitz, and others. 

Medieval show

On July 20th, the courts of Castelgrande in Bellinzona will once again host the traditional “Sword in the Fortress” event, which will take you all the way back to the Middle Ages.

Expect the clang of swords, glitter of shields and helmets, colourful costumes and flags fluttering in the wind, and much more.


As part of Zug’s iconic Seefest, you an  the ZugMAGIC, a magic water show on Lake Zug in addition to the usual programme featuring live music, refreshing drinks, and unique atmosphere.

And a great thing is that this event lasts the whole month of July — from the 1st to 31st.