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The supermarkets in Spain that have put prices up the most

Findings from Spain's main consumer watchdog have revealed which Spanish supermarket chains are most guilty of price gouging in recent years.

The supermarkets in Spain that have put prices up the most
Spain's main consumer watchdog estimates that food prices have gone up 38 percent in recent years. Photo: GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP.

Anyone who lives in Spain has probably noticed supermarket prices going up. Whether it be basics like bread, milk and eggs, or staples of Spanish cuisine like olive oil (which is, counterintuitively, more expensive in Spain than elsewhere despite Spain producing around half of the world’s supply) filling your shopping basket in Spanish supermarkets has become a lot more expensive in recent years.

In fact, La Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios (OCU), Spain’s main consumer watchdog, estimates that food prices have risen by an eye-watering 38 percent in 3 years alone. This is despite the Spanish government repeatedly intervening to cut or eliminate entirely VAT on foodstuffs over the last few years, something that now seems it could end this summer.

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Spain’s national statistics body, INE, forecasts that the CPI will have risen by 32.1 percent between 2020 and 2024, meaning that the cost of living has gone up across the board. However, for many Spaniards, these changes have been most noticeable at the supermarket and what used to be staple foods have become luxuries, and what were once luxuries are now unaffordable.

Take for example the price of olive oil, which increased by 225 percent between 2020-2023, according to the OCU, going from an average of €2.35 per litre to €7.66. Sugar has risen by 91 percent, and a dozen eggs is on average 67 percent more expensive than it was in 2020.

These sorts of price rises are reflected across the country and across supermarket chains. However, that’s not to say that some supermarkets aren’t slightly cheaper, or that some chains aren’t more guilty of price gouging than others.

The supermarkets in Spain that have put their prices up the most

The OCU studied prices at seven supermarket chains, with rises ranging between 32 percent and over 40 percent on average.

According to the OCU findings, Carrefour was the chain to put up prices the most, by 45 percent, followed by Alcampo (43 percent); El Corte Inglés (37 percent); Mercadona (38 percent); Eroski (34 percent); Condis (32 percent); and finally Día (32 percent).

As you may have noticed from the results, those supermarkets that most put up their prices (in particular El Corte Inglés and Mercadona, for example) were already some of the pricer chains, comparatively speaking, and the cheaper chains (Eroski, Día) generally put up their prices less.

That is to say, these findings don’t fundamentally change the supermarket shopping landscape in Spain: cheaper supermarkets are still cheap, relatively speaking, and the more traditionally expensive chains remain the most expensive, despite supermarkets putting up prices across the board on average.

“All the chains have followed a similar trend… As a result, their relative positions have hardly changed over the last three years. The cheap ones are still cheap and the expensive ones are still expensive, with one exception: Carrefour has gone from being one of the cheapest establishments to being the second most expensive, only behind El Corte Inglés,” the OCU said.

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In terms of how these increases translate into euros, the OCU uses two examples to give us a better idea of how these percentages actually affect consumers’ pockets. At Alcampo, for example, shopping that cost €248 in 2020 was around €355 by the end of 2023, a €107 increase. At Carrefour, the increase was €122 on average.

Of the government’s VAT cuts on foods, the OCU was sceptical of the broader impact of the measure, welcome though it was. Comparing prices one year before and after the cut, which came into effect in January 2023, the OCU said “where the tax cut has been most noticeable is in flour, pasta, rice and some dairy products.”

“In the remaining foodstuffs, the reduction isn’t noticeable because other factors such as poor harvests, production costs or geopolitical tensions have a greater impact.”

“All vegetables have risen except potatoes… eggs were already more expensive three months after the VAT reduction.”

“In June, when normal VAT returns, prices will rise again,” the watchdog said.

The Spanish government has hinted that it would like to extend the VAT cut on foodstuffs beyond June 30th, though no decision has been made.

READ ALSO: Why do so many Spaniards want to work for Mercadona supermarket?

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Spain to eliminate tax on olive oil to ease price jump

Spain's leftist government said Friday it will remove the value-added tax on olive oil, a staple of Spanish cuisine which has soared in price due to a severe drought that has caused a sharp drop in the country's olive harvest.

Spain to eliminate tax on olive oil to ease price jump

Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s government will from July “permanently” include olive oil in the list of “basic necessities” which are exempt from the tax, the budget ministry said in a statement.

This is “wonderful news for all Spaniards,” government spokeswoman Pilar Alegria said during an interview with private television station Antena 3.

The measure which will be approved at a weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday will “ease the burden on Spaniards’ wallets” as well as “support the olive sector and stimulate consumption of a product that is so important for our country,” she added.

Supermarkets have reported a spike in thefts of olive oil bottles since their price has soared, prompting some retailers to fit them with security tags normally seen on pricey items like alcohol while sales of cheaper alternatives such as sunflower seed oil have increased.

Basic necessities such as bread, fruits and vegetables usually carry a reduced VAT rate of 4.0 percent but during times of high inflation as is currently the case the rate is reduced to zero.

The government already lowered the VAT rate slapped on olive oil to 5.0 percent from 10 percent in 2023 to help fight rising food prices but that has not stopped its price from continuing to rise.

Spain, which supplies almost half of the world’s olive oil, is along with Greece the globe’s leading consumer of the product, with each person consuming nearly 14 litres per year, according to the International Olive Oil Council.

The cost of olive oil in Spain in May was 63 percent higher than during the same month last year, and three times more expensive than in January 2021.

The sharp rise is due to a drop in production in Spain during the 2022-23 and 2023-24 seasons as a result of a series of extreme heat waves and a lack of rainfall in the country, especially in the southern region of Andalusia, the main olive producing region.

During the 2022-23 season, Spain produced 660,000 tonnes of olives, down from 1.48 million tonnes during the 2021-22 season. The agriculture ministry predicts production will not exceed 850,000 tonnes in 2023-24.