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Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Germany sees record rise in politically motivated crimes, investor confidence below expectations, German arms manufacturer wants to supply Ukraine with 'Frankenstein tanks' and more news from around Germany on Wednesday.

Nancy Faeser speaking
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (centre) seen speaking with members of the Federal Cabinet. Faeser warns that Russia, China and Iran are engaging in espionage against Germany. Photo by JOHN MACDOUGALL / AFP

Germany sees record rise in politically motivated crimes

A record number of politically motivated crimes occurred in Germany last year, fuelled partly by global events including the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, according to a report published on Tuesday.

Authorities registered 60,028 politically motivated offences in 2023, up from 58,916 the previous year, the report from Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said.

Around 25,660 of the crimes were committed by right-wing extremists, an increase of 22.4 percent from 2022.

“Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, right-wing extremists have used the resulting economic upheaval… in political campaigns and calls for mobilisation,” the report said.

READ ALSO: Why are German politicians facing increasing attacks?

Crimes committed by left-wing extremists rose by 10.4 percent, though their number was much smaller at 4,248.

There was also a surge in anti-Semitic crimes, which jumped to 492 from just 33 the previous year.

Cologne Synagogue during carnival

Police stand on guard at Cologne Synagogue during the opening of carnival in November 2023. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Thomas Banneyer

Germany is also seeing an increased security threat from foreign powers in the form of spying, sabotage, disinformation and cyberattacks, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) said.

“Russia, China and Iran in particular are using their intelligence services extensively for espionage against Germany,” she said.

READ ALSO: How politically motivated crimes are rising in Germany

German investor confidence disappoints in June

German investor confidence rose less than expected in June, a key survey said Tuesday, after Europe’s top economy saw an uptick in inflation following months of decline.

The ZEW institute’s closely-watched economic expectations index edged up to 47.5 points, from 47.1 points in May.

Although it was the index’s 11th consecutive increase, analysts surveyed by FactSet had been expecting a bigger improvement in morale.

Investors’ assessment of Germany’s current economic situation meanwhile “has slightly deteriorated”, the institute said.

The disappointing readings came amid a stagnating economic situation assessment “for the eurozone as a whole,” said ZEW president Achim Wambach. At the same time, inflation expectations were on the rise again after inflation data in May “turned out higher than what was expected,” he added.

Germany’s annual inflation rate climbed to 2.4 percent in May, the first increase in six months.

Analysts said it was mainly due to one-off factors, and the European Central Bank this month went ahead with its first interest rate cut since 2019 as it sees eurozone inflation on track to returning to its two-percent target.

The German economy shrank in 2023 as it battled headwinds including high energy prices, elevated interest rates and cooling exports.

The government expects a modest recovery to get under way this year as demand picks up on the back of falling inflation and lower rates, forecasting growth of 0.3 percent.

Rheinmetall suggests supplying Ukraine with ‘Frankenstein tanks’

The German arms manufacturer, Rheinmetall, currently supplies Ukraine with hundreds of vehicles and tons of ammunition. Now the firm suggests sending old tanks with new technology into defensive battle.

According to reporting by Bild, Rheinmetall has been refurbishing old Leopard 1 tanks at a new factory in Western Ukraine.

READ ALSO: Berlin allows Ukraine to fire German weapons at targets in Russia

leopard 2 tanks

Leopard main battle tanks seen parked in a Rheinmetall hangar. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Philipp Schulze

The announced tanks are Leopard 1 tanks from the Cold War era that have been mounted with a modern Skyranger air defence system. They are colloquially called “Frankenstein tanks” because they are made of parts from different weapons, like Frankenstein’s monster was made of parts from different bodies.

Russia has also been using improvised military equipment in Ukraine to compensate for its losses.

According to Rheinmetall, the Frankenstein tanks could be used to defend against Russian drones and missiles, which have been targeting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in particular. Air defence remains a major problem for Ukraine presently.

READ ALSO: German arms maker to hire workers from ailing auto firm

German police reject Poland migrant pushback claim

German police have rejected suggestions that officers had illegally dumped a family of Afghan migrants in Poland, while apologising to Polish authorities for failing to follow standard procedures.

A spokeswoman for the German federal police said the incident was “somewhat different” to that described in a report by Polish news site, which purportedly showed officers dropping the migrants in a car park and immediately returning to Germany.

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk had branded the alleged incident “unacceptable” in a message on social media on Monday and said he would seek answers from German authorities.

The family was intercepted by German police “attempting to enter the country illegally” near the border with Poland on Friday morning, the spokeswoman said.

After being taken to the local police station, German authorities determined the migrants had to be “sent back to Poland”.

The family, including three children aged four, six and eight, “did not meet the entry and residence requirements for Germany”, the spokeswoman said.

They five had “pending asylum proceedings in neighbouring Poland, for which they had Polish asylum documents”, she said.

The officers sought to make contact with Polish authorities to hand them back to Polish border guards.

After waiting for an answer from the Polish side for “several hours”, the officers decided to take the family on patrol close to the border to release them back into Poland.

One of the children became ill on the journey, “whereupon a federal police officer who was familiar with the area decided, in consultation with the child’s father, to drive to the nearest pharmacy”, which was in Poland.

The decision was made for “the benefit of the family” and to keep the length of their detention to a minimum, the spokeswoman said.

After reaching the pharmacy, the mother realised that her mobile phone had been left at the German police station. She was driven back to the station to collect the phone and then returned to her family in Poland, the spokeswoman said.

“To our knowledge, this is the first time such a situation has occurred,” she said. “The matter is being intensively followed up with our Polish colleagues.”

Fan zones closed for severe storms

Due to the threat of severe storms, several Euro 2024 fan zones in North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin were closed as a precaution on Tuesday.

The German Weather Service (DWD) warned about severe storms in a wide strip across the centre of the country: “There is a threat of a severe thunderstorm situation across the middle of the country, which will last from noon today to Wednesday morning,” said DWD meteorologist Marcel Schmid. “Be particularly vigilant and careful, there is a risk of fallen trees and damage to buildings and vehicles.”

READ ALSO: Euro 2024 fan zones closed in western Germany as storm warnings issued

According to the weather service, the areas of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia over the middle to eastern Germany will be particularly affected.

With reporting by DPA and Paul Krantz.

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Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Germany's long-awaited new dual citizenship law comes into force, the Chancellor urges a quick agreement in the EU, Deutsche Bahn apologises for delays amidst Euro 2024 and more news on Thursday.

Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Dual-citizenship law comes into force

As of Thursday, Germany’s long awaited citizenship reform, which allows for dual citizenship and also shortens residency requirements, comes into effect.

Naturalisation offices across Germany can expect a large influx of new applications as thousands of residents across the country are expected to apply.

READ ALSO: Requirements, costs and permits: 6 essential articles for German citizenship

Chairman of the Turkish community in Germany, Gökay Sofuoglu, said on Wednesday that he expects around “50,000 applications per year” from the Turkish population going forward.

Also expected to apply in large numbers are Syrian immigrants, along with a mixed group of foreign nationals, most of whom have resided in Germany for five or more years.

Learn everything you need to know about German citizenship law, and how to apply, on The Local’s citizenship news page.

Scholz urges quick agreement on EU top positions

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Wednesday that he hoped for an agreement at this week’s EU summit on dividing up the bloc’s top three jobs, warning that voters weren’t in the mood for “bickering”.

Leaders of the European Union’s 27 member states will hold a two-day summit in Brussels from Thursday, where they are expected to sign off on a leadership trio proposed by a group of negotiators that includes Scholz himself.

The deal, which comes in the wake of this month’s European Parliament elections, would see Germany’s Ursula von der Leyen from the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) return as European Commission chief.

It also taps former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Costa of the Socialists and Democrats as European Council president, while Estonian premier Kaja Kallas, from the centrist Renew Europe, would become the EU’s new top diplomat.

READ ALSO: European elections – What happens next in Brussels after shock results?

“I believe this is a good lineup,” Scholz told lawmakers in Berlin.

“I really hope that the European Council, which meets tomorrow, will also reach this agreement,” he said.

Deutsche Bahn reacts to the criticism of angry Euro 2024 fans

Following some harsh criticism from football fans, Deutsche Bahn has admitted to have deficits in long-distance transport during Euro 2024.

“We understand the displeasure and criticism of fans,” said Deutsche Bahn board member and long-distance transport boss Michael Peterson to the Bild newspaper. He added that the railway does not always offer the quality that passengers deserve.

Deutsche Bahn faced criticism from foreign media outlets following incidents of train breakdowns and overcrowded platforms. The large number of delays in long-distance transport was also criticised by visiting travellers.

READ ALSO: Can Euro 2024 be judged a success so far?

More than five million long-distance passengers have been on the rails since the beginning of the European Football Championship. Deutsche Bahn previously announced it would provide 10,000 additional seats per day in long-distance transport during the tournament.

Albaert, mascot of the UEFA Euro 2024 European Football Championship, poses next to an ICE high speed train named "Fan-Hauptstadt Hamburg" in April 2024.

Albaert, mascot of the UEFA Euro 2024 European Football Championship, poses next to an ICE high speed train named “Fan-Hauptstadt Hamburg” in April 2024. Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)

Exciting night of football at Euro 2024

Speaking of the UEFA Euro 2024 tournament, Wednesday was an action-packed evening across Germany’s host cities. 

Turkey reached the knockout phase at a major tournament for the first time in 16 years after a 2-1 win over a battling 10-man Czech Republic.

Vincenzo Montella’s Turkey finished second in Group F behind Portugal to progress, as the Czechs were eliminated despite a brave performance on a sweltering night in Hamburg.

Georgia also went through as one of the best third-placed teams after a stunning 2-0 win in Gelsenkirchen over Portugal in the group’s other final game, eliminating Hungary.

Turkey will face Austria in the last 16 in Leipzig next Tuesday. Georgia face Spain, one of the tournament favourites after winning Group B with a perfect nine points, in Cologne on Monday.

READ ALSO: How (and where) to watch Euro 2024 games in Germany this week

Germany urges citizens to leave Lebanon ‘urgently’

Germany has urged its citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible due to the risk of escalating violence between Israel and Hezbollah.

Israel and Hezbollah, an Iran-backed ally of Hamas in Lebanon, have traded near-daily cross-border fire since the Palestinian militant group’s October 7th attack on Israel sparked the war in the Gaza Strip.

Tensions have been rising in recent days with growing exchanges of fire.

On Wednesday Berlin’s foreign ministry updates its travel guidance for the country, saying: “German nationals are urgently requested to leave Lebanon”.

“The current heightened tensions in the border area with Israel could escalate further at any time,” the ministry said.

There is also an “increased risk of terrorist attacks” in Lebanon, which could be directed against Western foreigners or large hotels, it said.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock cautioned on Tuesday that “miscalculation” could trigger all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, urging the need for “extreme restraint” as tensions soar.

“With every rocket across the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel, the danger grows that a miscalculation could trigger a hot war,” Baerbock said on X during a visit to Beirut, referring to the demarcation line between Israel and Lebanon.

Two employees leave Adidas amid China graft probe

Adidas said Wednesday two employees had left the company as the German sportswear giant investigates bribery allegations in China.

The probe was sparked by an anonymous letter sent to Adidas on June 7, allegedly written by staff in China, that laid out “potential leadership concerns” and allegations of “compliance violations”.

Adidas added that the investigation into the allegations was still ongoing, with help from independent external advisors.

China is a key market for Adidas but its business in the world’s second-biggest economy was hit hard during long-running coronavirus lockdowns. The group’s Greater China sales had however been recovering, growing eight percent last year.

But the corruption allegations “could jeopardise the goal of finally regaining a foothold in (China) after the massive slumps of the past four years,” Juergen Molnar, an analyst at RoboMarkets, said last week.

With reporting by Paul Krantz and Rachel Loxton