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10 things people living in Munich take for granted

Bavaria's capital of Munich is one of Germany's most beloved cities - and for good reason - but if you live there you may take some of these amazing things for granted.

Munich Altstadt
A view of the Munich Old Town. Photo: Photo by ian kelsall on Unsplash

When many people think of Germany, the images that come to mind are often of Bavaria: big brass bands, rosy-cheeked locals in Dirndls and Lederhosen, stunning alpine scenery and bombastic beer festivals, not to mention the chocolate-box villages. 

That may be one of the reasons Bavaria is so treasured and why the state’s capital, Munich, is one of the most popular travel destinations in the country. 

Year after year, Munich ranks as the second most visited city in Germany, only coming in behind the national capital of Berlin. What’s more, for foreigners who move to the country, Munich is often at the top of their preferred places to live.

But despite all the attractions, if you’re a resident of Munich, you may sometimes find yourself losing touch with what makes the city so special. To help remind you, we’ve compiled a list of the things that visitors love about the Bavarian capital – but residents take for granted. 

The array of incredible bakeries 

We know Munich is known for its beer, but once you sample the delicious sweet treats at any of the city’s incredible bakeries, you’ll soon see why lovers of coffee and cake feel equally at home in this city. 

Whether you’re tucking into a warming Apfelstrüdel or enjoying a velvety Prinzregententorte on a sunny patio, residents of Munich are never too far away from the high-end cafe culture that nearby Vienna is famous for.

Getting everywhere in 20 minutes 

OK, this may be a slight exaggeration, but it’s certainly true that Munich is a pretty compact city that’s easy to traverse by train and bicycle. 

With high rents pushing people further out to the suburbs, you can take comfort in knowing that most places you want to go are within easy reach within 20-30 minutes on a bicycle or using Munich’s impressive public transport network. Once you’re in the centre, of course, everything is easily reachable on foot. 

READ ALSO: ‘World’s largest village’ – How foreigners in Germany feel about Munich

Surfing in the middle of the city 

When you first encounter the impressive sight of somebody surfing the waves of the Isar, most people forget whatever they’re doing and stop and gawk for a while.

But after a litte time in the city, you may forget just what an incredible attraction the Eisbachwelle really is. 

Whether you’re a surfer or not, it’s always fun to watch wet-suit clad surfers perform awe-inspiring feats on their boards, and it’s yet another example of the fun outdoorsy activities that Munich is known for. 

Munich Eisenbachwelle on the River Isar.

A surfer takes to the waves at the Munich Eisenbachwelle on the River Isar. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Peter Kneffel

Escaping into breathtaking landscapes 

Cologne and Frankfurt may have the Rhine and Berlin may have its forests and lakes, but nowhere in the country offers such awe-inspiring natural landscapes as Bavaria. 

Whether it’s bathing in the crystal alpine waters of Königsee or soaring down pristine pistes near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, residents of Munich have easy access to unmatched scenery just a short car or train journey from the city centre. That means that, whenever the stress of city life gets too much, you’re only ever an hour or so from peace and tranquility. 

With so much incredible nature and outdoor activities on your doorstep, Munich truly feels like one of the best places in the country to live, no matter what the season. 

READ ALSO: 10 of the best hiking day trips from Munich

Perusing artistic masterpieces 

Having more than a millennia of great art on your doorstep isn’t something to be sniffed at – and that’s exactly what residents of Munich can enjoy when visiting the Alte Pinakothek and the Pinakothek der Moderne. 

Although the Neue Pinakothek is still closed for renovations, you can see highlights of its collections in the Alte Pinakothek, enjoying the titants of 19th and 20th century art alongside medieval masterpieces. 

The most incredible thing is that these world-class art collections are free for visitors, meaning you can stop by anytime to immerse yourself in art history. 

A beer garden on every corner 

In Munich, beer gardens are more than just places to enjoy a refreshing Maß of Helles: they’re bustling communal spaces where locals can gather and socialise in the sun. 

These leafy watering holes make ideal meeting spots for friends and family at the weekend or a quick Feierabendbier with colleagues after work. In true Munich tradition, many even allow you to take your own food to snack on – provided you buy a few drinks!

Although beer gardens aren’t uniquely confined to the Bavarian capital, Munich residents are unusually spoilt for choice: according to the latest estimates, there are more than 100 beer gardens throughout the city, many of which are attached to famous Bavarian breweries. 

Chilling in the largest park in Europe

Forget Berlin’s Tiergarten or Frankfurt’s Grünburgpark, the Englischer Garten wins all competitions hands down, not only in size but in beauty.

Stretching over 900 acres, this green expanse is not only the largest park in Europe but also a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of city living – and where else in Germany can you find both a Japanese tea house and a Chinese pagoda with a beer garden? 

The Japanese padoda in Munich's English Garden.

The Japanese padoda in Munich’s English Garden. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Felix Hörhager

As a resident, it’s easy to forget how special it is to have this incredible expanse of green space right on your doorstep – but visit a handful of grey, concrete jungles and you’ll appreciate Munich’s urban oasis that bit more. 

Feeling safe wherever you go 

Munich has a reputation for being one of the safest cities in Germany, making it a pleasant and relaxed place to spend time, whatever your age or gender.

Though it’s easy to get used to walking the peaceful streets at night and not having to feel on edge, it’s worth remembering that not everywhere in the world is so tranquil, so it’s definitely something to treasure.

READ ALSO: Why Munich is the only city I’ve ever really felt at home

Delicacies fresh from the market

Residents of Munich may sometimes see Viktualienmarkt as something of a tourist trap, but it’s definitely quite magical to have such an idyllic spot with all sorts of regional delicacies right on your doorstep. 

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply want to treat yourself, you’ll find everything you need at the Viktualienmarkt: fine wines, cheeses and homemade Obatzdn (traditional Bavarian spread) at Thoma Fromages et Vines; freshly caught fish at Fisch Witte and hearty soups and meaty stews at the Munich Soup Kitchen, not to mention homemade cake and sekt at Café Nymphenburg Sekt. 

And if you get tired of all that food shopping, the Viktualienmarkt beer garden is the ideal place to rest your legs and whet your whistle. 

The neverending festivals

True residents of Munich know it’s not all about Oktoberfest (though a visit to Wiesn is always a good laugh): Bavaria’s rich folk culture and Munich’s buzzing cultural scene guarantee a packed calendar of exciting events and festivals almost all year round.

In winter and summer, the multicultural Tollwood festival is a firm favourite, with arts and crafts, music, theatre and circus performances, as well as a vast array of street food from all around the world.

Tollwood summer festival

Festival goers drink at bar in Munich Olympiapark during the Tollwood summer festival. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Stephan Jansen

If you’ve fallen out of touch with the endless festivals and cultural events going on in Munich, it’s worth refreshing your memory and getting out and about again to rediscover the beating heart of the city.

To adapt a well-known quote by the English writer Samuel Johnson on London, “If you are tired of Munich, you are tired of life.” 

Do you have any thoughts on the parts of Munich life that people take for granted? What do you find special about the city? Drop us an email and let us know. 

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REVEALED: Germany’s most popular cycling routes for summer

If you're looking to explore Germany and get fit at the same time, the five most popular bike routes in the country - compiled by members of the German Cycling Club - are bound to get you inspired.

REVEALED: Germany's most popular cycling routes for summer

With the summer holidays fast approaching, it’s the ideal time to start making plans for the long, sunny days and time off work or school. And for most German families, it just wouldn’t be summer without at least one cycling tour in the countryside. 

Beyond its enchanting natural landscapes, Germany boasts an incredible 100,000 kilometers of dedicated cycling trails – so it’s no wonder exploring the great outdoors on two wheels is something of a national pastime. 

Each year, the German Cycle Club (ADFC) conducts a poll of its members to pin down their five all-time favourite cycling routes – and this year there’s truly something for everybody.

With some stretching as long as 1,300km, these choices aren’t for the faint-hearted, but more casual cyclists will no doubt have fun picking a part of the route that takes in some breathtaking locations and sights, whether it’s the peaks of the Alps or the meandering banks of the Rhine.

Elbe Cycle Route (Elberadweg)

A view of the Elbe in the Saxon Switzerland

A view of the Elbe from the peaks of Saxon Switzerland. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Robert Michael

Length: 840km in Germany, 1,270km in total 
Difficulty: Easy to Medium

If you want a taste of how varied and unique different German regions can be, travelling the length of the Elberadweg from the Bad Schandau in Saxony to the North Sea coast is a great place to start.

Following the banks of the Elbe up from Dresden, you’ll take in cultural landmarks such as Dessau, the birthplace of Bauhaus, Lutherstadt Wittenberg and the imposing Magdeburg Cathedral. But arguably the highlight of this 840km route is the stretch of the Elbe that winds through the breathtaking rock formations of Saxon Switzerland as you cycle away from the Czech border.  

Further to the north, the Elberadweg takes you through the atmospheric port city of Hamburg and includes HafenCity and the famous Elbphilarmonie. Leaving the hustle and bustle and weaving along the estuary, you’ll end up the quiet coastal town of Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony where the Elbe flows into the North Sea.

The ADFC recommends doing the full trip in 13 stages, taking around two weeks. But if you’re really up for an adventure, you can spread over three weeks in 22 stages by starting in the Czech Republic and traversing the full 1,270km route from the Elbe’s source at Špindlerův Mlýn in the Bohemian Mountains. 

READ ALSO: 10 things to consider for a bike trip in Germany

Rhine Cycle Route (Rheinradweg)

Tourists take photographs of the scenic view atop Loreley, Germany

Tourists take photographs of the scenic view atop Loreley, a legendary cliff next to a curve in the Rhine. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Thomas Frey

Length: 1,320km in total, 800km in Germany
Level: Easy to Medium 

For a route that encompasses everything from Alpine panoramas to the industrial Rührgebiet, look no further than the Rheinradweg, otherwise known as Euro Velo 15. 

One of the most modern and well-maintained cycle routes in Europe, the full Euro Velo 15 stretches all the way from the source of the Rhine in the Swiss Alps to the Hook of Holland, but by far the longest stretch runs through Germany. 

If you start the route a little earlier in Switzerland, you’ll ride along the banks of idyllic Lake Constance before reaching Basel and weaving your way up through Baden-Württemberg. Along the way, you’ll take in the Black Forest and the elegant city of Karlsruhe, not far from the university towns of Freiburg and Heidelberg. 

Just a stone’s throw from the border with France, this part of Germany is known for its exceptional wine, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to relax with a chilled glass of Riesling after a long day of cycling. The route also takes in the Middle Rhine Valley, a romantic stretch of the river dotted with medieval castles and ancient forts, as well as the legendary Loreley Rock

At the northern end of the trail, you’ll pass through Bonn and Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia before reaching Arnhem on the Dutch border. 

Doing the entirety of the Rhineradweg takes around 24 days, but if you’re staying entirely in Germany, it can be done in 2-3 weeks, depending on your fitness and how much time you factor in for enjoying a tipple or two.  

READ ALSO: Riding the Radweg: A guide to touring Germany by bike

Baltic Sea Coast Cycle Route (Ostseeküstenradweg

Views of the ocean on Rügen

The famous white cliffs of Rügen. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Jens Büttner

Length: 1,140km
Difficulty: Medium

If summer makes you yearn for sea, sand and rugged coastlines, the Baltic Sea Coast route will definitely tick all of your boxes. 

Starting in the northern seaside town of Flensburg near the Danish border, this charming route takes in pristine beaches, unspoilt islands and UNESCO World Heritage sites as it weaves through Schleswig-Holstein and into Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania. 

Highlights of the tour include the historic Hanseatic towns of Lübeck and Wismar, the upmarket seaside resort of Heiligendamm with its iconic white houses, and the cascading cliffs on the island of Rügen.

Along the way, you’ll also traverse the imaginatively named Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula, which boasts unbeatable bathing spots, and pass through Griefswald, the birthplace of romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich. The tour culminates on the beautiful island of Usedom, near the Polish border. 

Depending on your fitness and how much time you want to spend in the beach resorts and towns along the way, you should set aside around two weeks for the complete route. If you only have a week to spare, the route is easy to split the into two halves, travelling from Flensburg to Lübeck or Lübeck to Usedom. 

Weser Cycle Route (Weser-Radweg

A stretch of the Weser cycle route near Hamlin.

A stretch of the Weser cycle route near Hamlin. Photo: picture alliance / Deike Uhtenwoldt/dpa-tmn | Deike Uhtenwoldt

Length: 520km
Level: Easy 

When it comes to Germany’s most popular cycle routes, the Weser-Radweg often comes out on top: this year, it landed in the German Cycling Club’s top five for the fifth year running.

Taking in six diverse regions of the country, each with its own unique character, it’s easy to see why this route is so beloved.

You’ll start just outside Kassel in the town of Hann Münden and set off through the the Weser Upland Hills; a romantic nature park alive with fragrant wild flowers, rare lichens and peaceful moorlands. Passing through central Germany, you’ll take countless medieval villages and old castles in the rolling hills and can even stop off at the Pied Piper’s house in Hamlin. 

Culminating in Cuxhaven on the North Sea Coast, the route cuts through the Weser Marshes, taking in Bremerhaven with its famed Maritime Museum as well as the Hanseatic city of Bremen with its beautifully preserved Old Town and striking Gothic Town Hall.

At just 520km, the Weser-Radweg can be completed in just over a week, but those who prefer a more leisurely cycling holiday can stretch it out to 2-3 weeks. 

READ ALSO: Here are ten of Germany’s best (and longest) biking trails

Danube Cycle Route (Donauradweg)

Passau in Bavaria

A view of the Danube in the historic town of Passau, Bavaria. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Armin Weigel

Length: 2,800 in total, 560km in Germany
Level: Easy to Medium 

If it’s awe-inspiring scenery you’re after as you explore the great outdoors, the Donauradweg may well be the ideal choice. Starting in the picturesque town of Donaueschingen in the Black Forest at the source of the Danube river, this 560km route will take you on a mesmerising ride through Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, all the way to the Austrian border.

Pedalling along the serene banks of the Danube, you’ll pass through Ulm, home to the world’s tallest church steeple, and Regensburg, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved medieval Old Town. But the unrivalled highlight of this tour is undoubtedly the stretch that cuts through Bavarian Forest, where the river weaves along dramatic gorges and verdant valleys.

As you continue eastward, you’ll arrive at the vibrant city of Passau, situated on the Austrian border at the confluence of three rivers. Here, you can admire the baroque architecture and enjoy a hearty meal or even a leisurely boat trip as you congratulate yourself for your endeavours.

READ ALSO: 10 of the best hiking day trips from Munich

Despite Bavaria’s mountainous backdrop, the Donauradweg is relatively flat and shouldn’t pose a problem for seasoned cyclists. Depending on your fitness level and pace, you’ll want to set aside around 1-2 weeks to complete the stretch in Germany, though the full route through Austria and Hungary will take a fair bit longer.