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Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

British Prime Minister Sunak meets Chancellor Nehammer in Vienna, ÖBB invests €2.9 million in noise protection, and more news from Austria on Tuesday.

Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday
Trains of Austrian railway operator OeBB stand on the tracks at the Westbahnhof railway station in Vienna on November 28, 2022. (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

British Prime Minister Sunak meets Chancellor Nehammer in Vienna

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak arrived in Vienna for an official visit, marked by a reception with military honors. Sunak is set to meet with Austrian Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, focusing primarily on asylum procedures in third countries—a topic London has been vigorously pursuing, particularly with its controversial deportation plans to Rwanda.

The two leaders will also discuss current geopolitical issues during their meeting. Chancellor Nehammer underscored the importance of external border protection and asylum procedures outside the EU to curb illegal migration. 

“The only way to prevent illegal migration, apart from effective external border protection, is asylum procedures outside the EU,” he stated ahead of Sunak’s visit.

The UK Conservative government has long planned to relocate certain asylum seekers to Rwanda, a strategy repeatedly challenged by the British Supreme Court.

What’s on: 10 things to do in Austria this June

Summer is almost here, and a lot is happening in Austria. Here are 10 of June’s most exciting events.

ÖBB invests €2.9 million in noise protection improvements

Klosterneuburg residents and train passengers can expect a quieter journey. ÖBB is investing €2.9 million to improve noise protection along the Franz Josef Railway in the Klosterneuburg area. 

Construction work will include erecting noise barriers up to 2.6 meters high and is expected to last until 2026. Additionally, ÖBB plans to spend €16.6 million on noise reduction projects on existing lines throughout Austria by 2029.

The work is scheduled to start in mid-May and is expected to be completed by mid-December. While some railroad crossings will be closed during construction, detours will be signposted to minimize disruption. The project also includes the renewal of the railway’s superstructure, track systems, and overhead lines, further contributing to noise reduction.

Holiday jobs: plenty on offer, but little interest

With summer vacations approaching, many young people in Vorarlberg are gearing up for their first foray into the working world through vacation jobs. However, despite consistent demand for these positions, around 190 openings still need to be fulfilled on the Jugendinfo Vorarlberg website just two months before the break.

“The job offers are spread across various sectors, including retail, hospitality, sales, and production,” says Andrea Thaler from Jugendinfo Vorarlberg. While competition is high, Thaler advises young people, especially those under 18 with limited options, to apply as soon as possible. “New offers trickle in through May and June,” she adds.

For most teenagers, vacation jobs are a chance to gain work experience, navigate tax and employment regulations, and discover future career paths. According to the Public Employment Service Austria, anyone above 15 years of age who has completed compulsory schooling can take on a holiday job, with minimum wage guaranteed by collective agreements.

The decline in applications might be due to changing priorities.  Some students prioritize extended vacations or mandatory internships offered by vocational schools. However, earning extra income and gaining valuable experience remain vital motivators.

If you have any questions about life in Austria, ideas for articles, or news tips for The Local, you can contact us at [email protected] or leave a comment below.

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Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Austrian government introduces new cellphone seizure law and new pet package, urban areas increasing fast, experts warn against 'remigration' and more news from Austria on Friday.

Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Austrian government introduces new cellphone seizure law

The Austrian government has announced a reform of the law on the seizure of cell phones and data carriers. This follows a Constitutional Court ruling last year that declared the previous provisions unconstitutional. The new bill, submitted to the National Council, aims to protect privacy rights while ensuring effective law enforcement.

Under the proposed legislation, authorities will need judicial approval before seizing and evaluating data from cell phones and other devices. The court order must specify the data categories, period, and investigative purpose for which the data can be used. Additionally, the public interest in the investigation must be weighed against the individual’s fundamental rights.

The new law also introduces a multi-step process for data seizure and evaluation. Before analysis, the data must be copied and the original secured, and any new findings require a new court order. Both victims and defendants will have the right to request an evaluation of the processed data.

Justice Minister Alma Zadic emphasised the importance of implementing the Constitutional Court’s requirements while maintaining effective law enforcement capabilities. Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler highlighted the strengthening of the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings.

The bill is expected to be passed before the summer break and should become effective on January 1st, 2025.

Can you work in Austria without signing a job contract?

If you are working in Austria, you might have heard of jobs that do not come with a formal “Arbeitsvertrag” (work contract). But is this legal?

Urban areas in Austria have increased fivefold since 1975

A new study by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) reveals that urban “spread” in Austria has increased dramatically since 1975, particularly in Upper Austria, Carinthia, and Styria. The study found that heavily urbanised areas have expanded fivefold over this period, highlighting this development pattern’s land-consuming and resource-intensive nature.

Researchers warn that Austria is “on a highway to sprawl” with significant consequences for soil health, resource consumption, and CO2 emissions. They advocate for a comprehensive soil strategy with clear targets to limit land consumption and promote sustainable urban development.

The study emphasises the need to shift away from car-dependent, low-density settlements towards denser, more compact urban areas, prioritising resource efficiency and a high quality of life. This can be achieved by defining settlement boundaries, utilising existing vacancies, and promoting renovations and additions.

Experts also highlight the importance of changing the narrative around urban living, showcasing the advantages and possibilities of climate-friendly lifestyles in densely populated areas.

Austrian Parliament introduces pet package with mandatory competence certificate

The Austrian parliament has tabled a long-awaited amendment to the Animal Welfare Act, aiming to strengthen animal welfare regulations and combat torture breeding. The amendment includes a mandatory competency certificate for keeping dogs, amphibians, reptiles, and parrot birds.

Animal Welfare Minister Johannes Rauch expressed satisfaction with the finalisation of the amendment, highlighting the importance of responsible pet ownership and preventing impulsive purchases that lead to animals being abandoned. The certificate of competence will require potential owners to complete courses to understand the responsibilities of caring for animals.

The amendment also tightens regulations on torture breeding, ensuring effective enforcement of existing bans and holding breeders accountable for knowingly or negligently producing unhealthy animals. Additionally, the pet database will be expanded, and breeders of multiple litters of dogs or cats will need permits from authorities.

The Green Party’s animal welfare spokesperson, Faika El-Nagashi, emphasised the reforms’ significance in preventing spontaneous purchases and ensuring that animals receive proper care. The amendment is expected to be passed by the National Council in July.

Experts warn against “remigration” in Austria, highlight migrant contributions

Researchers in Vienna have raised concerns about the potential consequences of “remigration” policies being advocated by far-right groups in Austria and Germany. They emphasise the crucial role migrants play in the Austrian welfare state and warn that their removal would severely disrupt various sectors and overall societal well-being.

Sociologist Jörg Flecker highlights that many critical industries in Austria rely heavily on foreign workers. For example, more than half of those employed in cleaning, care of buildings, hospitality, and temporary work are non-Austrian citizens. In Vienna, a city with a large migrant population, the situation is even more pronounced. Three-quarters of the workforce in accommodation and food services and two-thirds in construction and other services have a migrant background.

Philipp Ther, a history professor at the University of Vienna, emphasises that immigrants have historically benefited the Austrian social security system. He warns that forced repatriation of people with migrant backgrounds would be tantamount to ethnic cleansing and could lead to violence and instability.

The researchers call for greater recognition of migrants’ positive contributions in Austria and caution against the dangerous rhetoric of radical “remigration” policies.

If you have any questions about life in Austria, ideas for articles, or news tips for The Local, you can contact us at [email protected] or leave a comment below.