IN IMAGES: Fiesta and fervour at Spain’s El Rocío pilgrimage

If there's a tradition that shows how partying and religious devotion are deep-seated in the culture of Spain's southern Andalusia region, that's the 1-million-people pilgrimage and festivities of El Rocío.

IN IMAGES: Fiesta and fervour at Spain's El Rocío pilgrimage
Pilgrims grapple to touch the effigy of the Rocío Virgin during the annual pilgrimage. (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

La Romería del Rocío is the biggest and most famous of Andalulsia’s romerías.

It takes place on the weekend of Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Easter Sunday when hundreds of thousands (often closer to a million people) come to take part in the religious celebrations of the Virgin of El Rocío.

During the days before Pentecost, devotees make their way on foot, horseback and in horse-drawn decorated carriages to El Rocío, a hamlet located within the municipality of Almonte in the province of Huelva, around 80 km away from Seville.

Pilgrims of the Triana brotherhood cross the Quema river on their carriages drawn by oxen on their way to the village of El Rocío. (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

They come from Huelva, Seville and Cádiz and towns across the region to converge in El Rocío singing traditional flamenco cantos and coplas on the way.

Pilgrims usually take between two and ten days to reach El Rocío. The Brotherhood of Huelva, who have a shorter journey than other pilgrims, take two days to complete the 61.5km journey.

Between 25,000 and 30,000 horses take part in the romería, some of which have controversially died during the pilgrimage over the years due to heat, exhaustion or lack of water.

At night, the travellers strike camps along the route with bonfires, singing, dancing and feasting until the early hours.

A pilgrim places a baby against the effigy of the Rocío Virgin- (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

By Saturday, all the religious brotherhoods meet for a procession to the shrine but it isn’t until Monday morning that the statue of the Virgin Mary is taken out of her shrine and paraded through the town.

READ ALSO: ‘Mucho arte’ – Why do Andalusians say they have a lot of ‘art’?

This is done so after hordes of worshippers engage in the “salto de la reja” (jumping of the fence), when around 3am in the morning they actually climb over the altar railings to reach the statue and carry it above their heads.

Pilgrims gather en masse in the main square of El Rocío village. (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

El Rocío dates back to the 17th century, resulting from the supposed apparition of the Virgin Mary over an olive tree in Almonte two centuries earlier, as claimed by a local shepherd.

Around 55 percent of Spaniards define themselves as Catholic (down from 91 percent in 1978), evidence that Spain has become less and less traditionally Catholic.

A Rocío pilgrim touches a figure representing the Virgin Mary. (Photo by JORGE GUERRERO / AFP)

However, cultural Catholicism is still alive, especially in Andalusia. In other words, andaluces in particular adhere to the cultural traditions of being baptised, doing their first communion, confession, confirmation, and so on, and then maintain a more ‘social’ relationship with the church by attending Catholic festivals, weddings, funerals, and baptisms but little else.

So despite the apparent religious intensity and superstition that Andalusians display during Holy Week and other centuries-old traditions like El Rocío, they’re not necessarily practicing Catholics who go to mass every Sunday, especially the younger generations.

READ MORE: How Catholic are Spaniards nowadays?

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IN IMAGES: Is La Rioja’s Wine Battle the wildest party in Spain?

Every June 29th, Spaniards in the winemaking region of La Rioja spend the day dousing each other in wine during 'la Batalla del Vino': the Battle of Wine.

IN IMAGES: Is La Rioja's Wine Battle the wildest party in Spain?

For the last three centuries, revellers have gathered in the town of Haro, La Rioja (northeast Spain), every June 29th for La Batalla del Vino – literally, the Battle of Wine.

And it’s no surprise, as Haro is known as ‘the Capital of Rioja wine’. 

Dressed all in white with red neckerchiefs, thousands of participants set off in the morning for a 6 km hike. They then climb up a mountain and gather at the Hermitage of San Felices de Bilibio for a mass to celebrate the feast day of San Pedro (St. Peter).

They then head outside, armed with bottles and jugs of vino, for a wine fight that goes on until there isn’t a spot of white to be seen on their person, and everyone is drenched from head to toe.

A sea of wine-drenched revellers. (Photo by CESAR MANSO / AFP)

Tank trucks filled with wine distribute Rioja to revellers with water pistols, back-mounted spraying devices and buckets as they shoot, pour and spray vino in all directions.

Keep in mind that the cleaner you look, the more you will be a target – so just accept that you will turn burgundy sooner or later.

A participant pours red wine on a drum during the “Batalla del Vino”.(Photo by CESAR MANSO / AFP)

If you’re planning to take part, it’s advisable not to wear your newest set of white clothes and shoes, because they’ll likely never be the same again. And don’t worry, despite all the craziness, glass bottles or devices are not allowed.

It’s a good job wine is cheap in Spain, keeping in mind how much is wasted during Haro’s Wine Battle. (Photo by CESAR MANSO / AFP)

Approximately 9,000 locals and tourists attend the annual event, with a reported 130,000 litres of red wine spilt.

Haro’s Battle of Wine was declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest in 2011.

Once every single drop of wine has been spilt and the battle is over, it’s time to tuck into chorizo and morcilla, and this time drink the wine. (Photo by CESAR MANSO / AFP)

The origin of this tradition dates back to a possible dispute with the nearby town of Miranda de Ebro over the ownership of a rural area in the municipality, Los Riscos de Bilibio, where the celebration is held.