Creaking Paris metro system to face Olympic test

Long the envy of other cities, Paris' creaking underground metro system has become a subject of daily frustration for users just as the French capital gears up to host this year's Olympics.

Creaking Paris metro system to face Olympic test
The Paris metro system is set for an Olympic surge. Photo: JULIEN DE ROSA/AFP.

“It’s really difficult and we’re not even at the Olympics yet when there’ll be millions of people on it,” Juliette Fayaud, a 26-year-old restaurant worker, told AFP on the platform of the Line 8.

“There aren’t enough trains. Sometimes in rush hour there’s a train every five minutes when you need them every two or three,” she said.

User satisfaction has plunged since the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 when the RATP, which runs the capital’s transport system, cut services as workers stayed home en masse.

Many metro employees were furloughed and never returned to jobs, while the training of new staff to replace them slowed significantly.

“I think it’ll be horrible during the Olympics,” 22-year-old saleswoman Gabrielle Camus, another daily user, told AFP as she waited for a train. “I’m planning to use a bike and avoid the metro as much as possible.”

Around one in five trains ran late on some metro lines in Paris last year, according to public data, with users sometimes facing waits of up to 10 or 15 minutes during the day on the worst-performing lines.

Commuters on the larger overground trains, which run on so-called RER lines, were offered refunds in 2023 for the third consecutive year due to punctuality problems. The service is still not back to pre-Covid levels.

With around seven million visitors expected in Paris during the Olympics from July 26 to August 11, the commuter train system will be under severe scrutiny as one of the main forms of transport for tourists and locals alike.


Major political pressure ahead of the Games — and the appointment of former prime minister Jean Castex as head of the RATP in 2022 — has led to gradual improvements in recent months, according to surveys by the capital’s transport authority.

Castex warned in December that eight out of ten lines were “no longer in a state to provide a quality public service” which he blamed on “40 years of under-investment”.

But thanks in part to a major staff recruitment drive, all lines — with the exception of the 3, the 8 and the RER C — reached the minimum performance standard of 90 percent punctuality in March, according to the latest data.

Workers are also racing to complete key line extensions ahead of the Olympics, notably to connect the southern Orly airport to the line 14 and a new transport node near the Stade de France, which will host athletics, in the north.

“It’s a challenge that we are able to meet,” the head of the greater Paris region, Valerie Pecresse, told reporters as she presented her transport plans for the Olympics in late March.

Some metro or RER lines, particularly those serving the football, tennis or athletics stadiums, will have up to 71 percent more trains than a usual summer’s day.

The challenge is not so much the volume of travellers — overall traffic is expected to be no higher than a normal working day — but it is the peaks in demand as fans enter and leave stadiums.

“You shouldn’t be scared to do a bit of walking,” Pecresse told Parisians. “It’s good for your health.”

‘Key issue’ 

In a city that has been gradually squeezing out cars, Paris is also keen to show off its recent cycling revolution.

Each Olympic sports venue will be accessible on bike, with around 415 kilometres (258 miles) of new cycle lanes built ahead of the Games as well as 20,000 cycle parking spots.

There will be no parking provision for cars at sports venues, however, and traffic jams in the capital are expected to be worse than usual due to road closures.

Chief organiser Tony Estanguet sounded confident last week that the city’s trains, buses, trams and cycle lanes could handle the strain.

“It’s a key issue for the smooth organisation and success of our event. We’re well aware of that,” he told reporters.

Paris’s two main airports – Charles de Gaulle and Orly — are also gearing up for key roles and have installed 15 new baggage inspection lines between them.

“The infrastructure is ready,” the director general of their operating company said recently.

Traffic is expected to be similar to summer averages of 300,000 arrivals per day, but with a major spike in demand in the days after the closing ceremony on August 11.

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French farmers plan more roadblocks – but won’t say when

Angry French farmers are paving the way for a new set of protests including blockades and roadblocks, saying that government promises have not been fulfilled

French farmers plan more roadblocks – but won’t say when

Earlier this year, France’s farmers blockaded ports, motorways and – for a short time – the world’s largest wholesale fresh produce market in protest at government and EU policies that, they said, were making their lives impossible.

They won concessions from the government. But, after a poor harvest, they say they’re seeing little improvement in their situation, and feel that promises to make farming more sustainable are not being honoured.

READ ALSO IN PICTURES: French farmers blockade Paris

Jérôme Bayle, who organised the earliest blockades, told Sud Radio on Friday that a new round of protests were in the pipeline pending a meeting with new prime minister Michel Barnier – but added: “We’re not going to give the dates, we need to create a surprise effect.”

He said: “A farmer’s job is not to spend his time blocking roads and inconveniencing people. But at the end of the day, at national level, we’re going to have to build a healthy, sustainable agriculture, with a future.”

A few days earlier, Arnaud Rousseau, president of the Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA) told RMC, “the anger has not been answered.”

“For the past year, the change we asked for has not been forthcoming,” he said. “A number of promises made in January have not been met with the expected responses.” 

READ ALSO France seeks to placate farmers as protests flare up again

Summer 2024 has been difficult for farmers, with harvests down because of unusual weather conditions, and a health crisis affecting livestock farming. 

“This cocktail is explosive because farmers have the impression that what they had to say has not been heard,” Rousseau said.

READ ALSO ‘Pitchforks will be out’: French farmers threaten action as union calls for protests

“We were told we’d only have a single administrative control, but the transformations aren’t there. Farmers don’t feel that things have changed”.

He cites several examples, such as the aid owed to farmers, which former Prime Minister Gabriel Attal had promised to pay by March 15th. “I took stock on Wednesday in Vendée, and there are still 150 files that have not been settled. The administrative machinery hasn’t been overhauled, and the appointment we made hasn’t arrived.”

Under these conditions, farmers expect rapid action from Barnier, who is still settling into his role at Matignon. “What counts is what he will do for farmers in the coming months.”

The FNSEA has already put forward a number of proposals, and hopes that the future government will work on a bill with measures concerning agricultural pensions, the recognition of agriculture as being of major general interest, and measures to improve farmers’ incomes.